Leadership in the dynamics of Kiai Pesantren

The word "dynamics" to the circumstances change that fluaktuasi or tidal, and depict the activities and social system that does not move towards a static change (Hollander, 1978: 151). Refer to the dynamics of these changes that occur due to internal pressure and external needs. Group dynamics, for example, as stated by Salamet Santosa (2004: 5) that the dynamics is understood as the behavior of one directly affect the citizens of the other reciprocal back, he mengartikanya as interdepensi and the interaction between members of a group with other group members who are reciprocal back and between the members of the group as a whole. This is because there are groups, group spirit (spirit gruop) continue to be in that group. Therefore, the groups are dynamic, meaning each time a group that may be changing. Hellriegel (1989: 356-357) mentions as the dynamics of the influence of design characteristics and environmental organizations.

God created man and menetukan kodratnya groups should live in order to know each other and lack the advantages of each other to build and enliven the world, as stated in Q. S. 49: 13;

"O mankind We created you from male and female, and We make you selakian tribes and nation-tribe-nations to know each other-to know (and lack of excess of each other). Verily the most honorable among you in the sight of God is the most bertaqwa of you. Allah is Knower, Aware, Aware. "

With the shortage and excess of the self and other people there were social interaction among men to meet the needs of himself and the group.

A psychology expert and leading to the famous theory of basic human needs, human mempuniai revealed that the five basic needs, namely:
  1. Physiological needs (fa'ali). Physiological needs (physiological needs), needs are related directly to human survival, so pemuasannya can not be delayed. This basic biological needs are the needs include food, drink, oxygen, rest, active, and balance termperetur sexual stimulation sensorik. Maslow from here then a conclusion that the physiological needs of man, the main needs of food, are important aspects in understanding the human being as a whole.
  2. The need for security and safety. (need for self-security), is a basic necessity and dominate both the need pemuasan after physiological needs met. The things that go in to the need for security are: security, stability, dependency, protection, free from fear, worry and fear, the need for structure, order, legal, limits, on the strength of self-protective and other -other. Because of the need for security may include all the organisms in pemenuhannya. All things rise and receive the effect, and the capacity-capacity is a tool of security needs.
  3. The need for love and have a (need for love and belongingness), is a stimulus in which an individual wishes to establish an effective relasional or emotional relationships with other individuals, both within the family environment and outside the family. Maslow conception of love and have this very different from the conception psikoanalisis that the root of feelings of love and sexuality have is. For maslow, feelings of love and have not only driven by the needs of sexuality. But more motivated by the need for affection. Semakna with the definition of love is presented by Karl Roger, that is love, "to understand the situation in depth and receive whole-hearted." The need for love is very vital for the growth and development of the ability of a person. If the demand is not met it will be obstructed or may cause incorrect adjustment. Thirst is the love of disease because of lack of.
  4. Akan self needs (need for self-esteem) comes from two things, first, the desire akan strength, achievement, adequacy, benefits, capabilities, and confidence; Second, a good reputation, prestige, prestige, status, the truth and glory, dominance , recognition, attention, importance, dignity, or apriasi. That the first comes from the self, and the second comes from other people. Someone who has enough self-confidence will have a higher and more productive. Meanwhile, people who have less self-covered akan inferiority complex and does not feel powerless, that result in discouragement and neurotick behavior.
  5. The need for self-actualization. Encouragement for self-actualization is not the same as the impetus for the show itself, or the desire to get the achievement or prestige, because if so, in fact he has not reached self-actualization level. He is still influenced by something or a certain tendency. Self-actualization is done without any tendency. He only wants to be himself, not the other. While this can be beginning or fulfillment is based on the level underneath. Recognized by Maslow, that to achieve self-actualization level, someone will be presented on the many obstacles, both internal and external. Internal constraints, ie, that came from himself., Such as ignorance akan potential self doubt and feelings of fear to reveal the potential, so the potential is so hidden (Muhammad Hasyim, 2002: 70-80).
For individuals who are part of the leadership group and as a pesantren, Kiai presumably the hard pull to the needs of the five above, it can be believed that social interaction in the middle of the community will encourage the change in the thinking and actions, giving color and changes in the organization that dipimpinnya .

In the process of social interaction there are several factors that influence and participate in determining success or not these interactions. These factors are:
  1. The nature of the social situation. In any social situation that gives form to the behavior of individuals who are in a situation.
  2. The norms prevailing in any given social group. The power of norms are very influential group of the occurrence of social interaction between individuals.
  3. Their own personality trends. Each individual has a personality so that the purpose of affecting lakunya whim.
  4. A person's transitory tendencies. Individuals interact in accordance with the position and condition that is temporary.
  5. The process of perceiving and interpreting a situation. Each situation means for each individual so that it affects the individual to see and interpret situations. (Slamet Santosa, 2004: 12).
From the description above can be taken that the meaning of Leadership Dynamics in Kiai Pesantren, adalalah struggle movement that encourages the change of attitude that made deliberately, planned by Kiai to give the color and then changes in the pesantren. Dynamics appear as the needs of internal pressure and external boarding as well as educational institutions and religious institutions is the social impact of the interaction as a top leader Kiai boarding.

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