Low Interest Student to Study Areas of UNAS

Cases because of the problems is always coloring each institution. Case that in every institution has a wide range of variations and different levels. Ranging from cases that have a low level until the problem cases that have a complex level of problems. One of the cases that will be described below based on the problem of declining student interest in the field of study in a religious education institution.

Cases such as this can be categorized as cases with a scale which is difficult and needs serious understanding. Issues will include all activities and relate directly to ketercapaian and the success of students in the education that he has Go. If such problems arise in the student community in an educational institution, it can significantly predicted that ketercapaian learning and learning purposes ketercapaian main akan fail because the field of religious education is a determination for them to move and as a basic foundation for them in determining the attitude and personality them, both in the environment or further their education in the socializing environment in the surrounding community.
The occurrence of cases of this kind can be influenced by several factors that melatarbelakanginya, including:
  1. Ability level of students who are low-field so that they feel bored and do not always feel able to understand the material impact on the reduction in the interest of the student field.
  2. Pain is not confident of the ability of the students who have it so that students are not able to understand the field
  3. Lack of student awareness of the importance of this field determines the ketercapaian up in attitude and virginity in the social environment
  4. Penyaji the spirit of the material that is less in the maximum field of menyampaiakan
  5. Lack of media that is available as a means of supporting learning in the
In addition to a number of factors mentioned above, there are many more factors that can be a reason for the lack of student interest in this field.

One more that we can take in the cases mentioned above, among others, can we do with the ways and the following phases:
  1. Provide guidance to the students that the basic importance of religious education to be learned and understood thoroughly as the next because of their stock as the basic principles in the socializing in the environment and social community.
  2. Provide guidance to learn that religious education would be achieved if both the students and always try to find solutions to the problems that exist in the field of learning to learn
  3. Always provide a stimulus that is optimistic for students to learn in the field of religion is
  4. Provide special handling to the students that are less interested in the field of religion, for students with problems in the lack of confidence in their abilities before directly involved with religious education that they need to achieve, so they have a stock base with the confidence that high
  5. Providing learning field with a variety of learning so that it does not cause saturation in the students through the learning process is
  6. Try and complete menyampaiakan learning with media-media that can support learning in ketercapaian of diaharapkan

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