Religius Educations and Personality Formation Luhur

Must realize that religion is not a mere ritual actions, such as prayer and reading the prayer. Furthermore, religion is the overall behavior of the human laudable, done in order to obtain ridla and perkenan Allah swt. In other words, religion includes the overall behavior of human beings in this life, which can form the intact human noble (ber-akhlāq Karimah), on the basis of faith in Allah swt. and personal responsibility in the day. This is the meaning of prayer iftitāh that we read each time we make a prayer.

Say (O Muhammad): "Verily my Lord has given instructions to the road to the right, in the form of the religion of truth, the religion of Abraham the Hanif, and he will not include those of Pagans". Say (O Muhammad): Lo shalatku, darmabaktiku, my life and my death are for God, God's call upon all of nature, which does not have a partner. For all that I am, and I was the first among the pasrah (Muslim) ". (Q.S. al-An'ām / 6:161-162).

Because of religious education is a logical continuation of the religion, it must be understood that the religious education process associated with the growth of a total life of the students.

Religious Education Goals
Basically, the religious education is for the menumbuhkembangkan two important dimensions in the bosom and the behavior of the students. The first dimension is the sense of piety to Allah swt. or tawhīd, never lost awareness of the presence of God in every room and the time of our lives. Penjabaran piety can be associated with the charity as a Hadith by Prophet.:

"Ihsan is that you worship Allah. as though you see Him, and if you can not see Him, then (you have to realize that) you see him. "

In the language of al-Qur'an, divine dimension of life is also called the soul rabbāniyyah or ribbiyyah. And attempted to break down if any real existence of the soul is divine, then we get the religious values of a very important time for us to tanamkan students. Activities of the values that indeed will be the core of religious education. Between the values, which is very basic:
  1. Faith, the inner attitude and trust to put trust in Allah swt.
  2. Islam, the attitude pasrah to Him.
  3. Ihsan, the awareness of the presence of Allah swt and keawasan. of the overall impulse and follow-horn us.
  4. Sincere, that is pure attitude in behavior and act solely in order to obtain ridla and perkenan Allah swt. and free from the intention to anyone other than him.
  5. Tawakal, the attitude always rest with the full hope in Him.
  6. Fortunately, that is, the attitude of feeling gratitude and appreciation for all his favors.
  7. Patient, that is, the stoicism of the bitterness of life.
  8. Second dimension is the development of a sense of humanity against one another or with the usual known akhlāq Karimah, always refer to the dimensions of the divine. Values that should be important ditanamkan by religious education, among others, are as follows:
  1. Silaturrahmi, the tie-affection among human beings.
  2. Brotherhood, the sense of fellowship, all the more so among the believers.
  3. Equality, the equality degree view of human dignity and, irrespective of the status of gender, race, social or religious.
  4. Fair, that is a balanced perspective in respect of, and the rate something or someone.
  5. Good meeting, full of attitude that is both suspected to fellow human beings, with the awareness that all human beings are basically made up character or a holy event.
  6. Humility, that is, the awareness that the glory belong to Allah only. only and that all men equal before Him, there is no higher than the other.
  7. Appropriate appointment, always keep that attitude when you make a promise or oath of the covenant.
  8. Lapang chest, full readiness posture of others with respect all opinions and views.
  9. Can be trusted, that is, the attitude of all the responsibilities assigned by the trust of others to us.
  10. Officer, the attitude of self-but not arrogant.
  11. Save, that is not wasteful attitude nor niggardly.
  12. Dermawan, the attitude of willingness to help fellow human beings, especially those who are less fortunate.
Two dimensions above, the dimensions of divine and human dimensions, is duumvirate that can not be separated. Divine consciousness or tawhīd should always terekspresi in social life or akhlāq, while social life should always refer to the divine consciousness.

Education and Teaching
Footing to the goals above, it is not appropriate to limit the religious education only as a "teaching" religious sciences, as often understood by most people. It is not entirely wrong, for teaching lead students to understand how someone can run the teachings of religion. One of the students may not be the rite of prayer, for example, or understanding the nature and praiseworthy attributes blame, as an example that others, without going through the process of teaching. However, it should be understood, teaching only a first stage of the education course. Teaching should be followed up with the process penghayatan and practice what has been taught. Control procedure should be followed by prayer penghayatan meaning of prayer in daily life. Similarly, an understanding of the nature of the laudable and ignoble dihayati and must be applied in the social life of day-to-day.

In science education perspective, there are three aspects that must be built in students, namely, first, aspects of cognitive brain or intellect, the second aspect afektif sensitivity or conscience, and, third, aspect-psiko or accuracy of the motor behavior.

In connection with that, in concept perpektif UNESCO education, education must be diorientaikan to realize four things, namely, first, learning to know or teach science (knowledge) to students, second, learning to do, or guide students to apply knowledge (attitude ) in their day-to-day, third, or to be learning life skills training (life skills) of the students are able to face various challenges of the future, and, fourth, learning to leave together or practice of social sensitivity and awareness so that students are able beraktualisasi themselves in the social realities of life soon.

All the above aspects should be styled and built a well-balanced. The success of religious education is not located on the control-for example-students to the ceremony to pray alone, but also to the ongoing implementation of the prayer and its meaning in penghayatan social life day-to-day. Or, in another example, students not only taught about the principles of respect for people who are older, but also dituntun that it seeks to apply principles of social life in the day-to-day. In the evaluation area, religious education must consider all aspects of the above is balanced.

That is, institutions such as religious education, madrasah and pesantren, which only considers cognitive aspects of knowledge of the students, without ever build awareness and honesty afektif follow-horn them, basically, is still carrying out the teaching, not education, religion

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