Go Family Sakinah Mawadah Warohmah

Putat Kidul village is a village located in the District of Malang Regency Gondanglegi with the geographic form of the low population that has a solid enough. In this area the number of people estimated to reach more than five million people. Number of population is classified into four categories based on age, namely 38% teenagers, 41% families / elderly, and 21%, and five children.

There are more than 18 there is built a musholla, 6 mosques, public schools 5 / formal school that consists of SD / MI, SMP / MTs, and SMA / MA / STM, and Madrasah Diniyah. In addition, there are other means of education such as 3 pieces of the Pondok Pesantren lying scattered across the village, which is located in the PP.Darussalam of Rt.05, PP. Al Ikhsani located in RT.15, and PP. Miftahul Al Huda Arrahman located in the RT.12. With such institutions in various jnis a very adequate, then the Village Putat Kidul village can be said that educational facilities have adequate means of worship.

Beradasarkan eyes pencahariannya, some people in the village Putat Kidul earn from farming, agricultural labor, and trade (entrepreneur) with perghasilan perkapita average 20,000 per day. If calculated in the one month average people earn more than 600,000. In one year, revenue is estimated at 7,200,000 residents. Earnings are still classified as revenue the value under the national minimum wage standard. There are also people who have enough income above the minimum wage. They have over one million in each month. They are the people who work in institutions such as government agencies working in the education and experience of the school.

In the development of arts and culture, south Putat village has several art and tradition that we can still be encountered in the special events that are held in the Village. Arts and Culture that we can see the form of: Parawitan, flying Jidor (Qasidah), ISHARI, Classical, Al-Banjari, MTQ, and Diba. Art activities are always held on each event and special event village.

Natural resources located in the Village is a rice field and areas such as paddy fields, sugar cane, corn and the other, but there are also other sources such as: perbengkelan which include car and motorcycle workshops. In addition there are also people who know the industry and tempe as a source of income.

For Human Resources, the average education of the population have very low so that the human resources in the village considered low for the size of the village forward. Most people have the highest level of secondary education and equal. Approximately 85% of residents can be completed this level. Overall education level of graduate primary school / MI, 85% able to complete the secondary level and equivalent, 60% able to complete the senior secondary education and equal, and only 15% are able to continue to higher education.

Can be concluded that to reach the village and are categorized as the eternal prosperous family, Putat Kidul village still has not been achieved and has not been adequate, and even can be still far from the target set, because to achieve the target, the village must have an income that meets the income eligibility standard overall on each citizen, and human resources have a sufficient natural resources, as well as several other factors that support the achievement of "Go Sejahtera Abadi Family"

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