Reorientasi Sociology in Indonesia

Sociology, when understood as social science's most comprehensive and most interesting generasasi knowledgeable, learn and discover the relationship between the social groups, the seemingly-Sociology can akan memanyungi social sciences other.

In ranah Economic science has been developed on the basic philosophy of control, utilization / eksploatasi with the goal of production and consumption of resources, both natural and human, according to perinsip functionality (utilitarianisme). Because the modern economy, deviate from classical economic philosophy during A. Smith, mengabstraksikan dimensions of justice and equity (Gouldner, 1973). That's also the nature of the economic approach to natural science diera neo-classical.

Bersebrangan with the Ethnologi focus on cultural studies deskriptifnya groups ethnis, especially those located in the historical development of the pre-and / or pre-literacy. Science Antroophologi the bridge had started with two ranah learn, both as aspects of the human organism (Physical Antrhopology) and behavior in the cultural environment (Ethology Cultural / Social Antrhopology).

Political science focusing on the relationships and interactions that are associated with the exchange and the division of power (= power). History Relevant in a very menekuni Sociology because it shows the tendency (trends) and to open opportunities, both to understand the process of change, gradually or as a take-off, and open the opportunity to compare symptoms of social / sociological. Some of the other branch of science groups who are often at the ready as Humanism groups such as Law, Education and communication also support and provide valuable knowledge for sociology.

In the era of Dutch colonial community that Indonesia is not yet dipersepsikan as one unit, learned more from the point of view Ethnologi and cultural Anthropology. In regard to the Indigenous Law was also highly sought by both Dutch and Indonesian scholars, and many of them titled Bachelor Law.

Perhaps the interest is also a requirement that the Dutch want menghayati nature of life and governance, especially tribes a role in the nation that archipelago. Names such as chrome, Veth, and can be said Snouch Hurgronje pioneering social sciences in Indonesia since the late 19th century until the early 20th century.

Since 1920's timbullah interest-graduate degree to understand the Dutch society more broadly, because the symptoms highlighted social environment is not limited to the tribe or group ethnis. Of which is B. Schrieke (1890-1945) to write essay-length ethnografis and history, that context is a combination of both figured Sociology. One variable that clearly reflects the science of Sociology is a garapan Schrieke is Akulturasi. For example Shcrieke review the "shift of power and Political Economy in Nusantara between 16 th century until the 17th century." One reason why Schrieke less known and less read his writings because he was writing in Dutch. Just after the 1955 beredarlah symposium Schrieke translated into English (2 volumes. 1955).

Figures in the Netherlands through the history of composition is described mayarakat JC van Leur (1934-1942). Makronya context clearly reflected in the titles of many articles such as al Indonesian Trade and Society. A law degree and another who was known to write about India of the present (contemporary), but also put India in a broader context is Prof. W.F. Wertheim (1899-2001) who once taught in the Rechts Hogeschool in Jakarta (1936) and a guest professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, UI (Bogor) in 1957. Because Wertheim experience in the Japanese occupation of Indonesia and had observed the rise of National Indonesia also, he, can record social change in the book "Indonesian Society in Transition" from the jajahah into the sovereign Republic of

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