The Histroy and Science Kalam

Issue Aqidah (belief) in the period of tabi'in and is a matter that is clear and remain clear and based on the Al-Qur'an and Sunnah. Between them there is no disagreement in this matter. Although Al-Qur'an, there are several verses that Mutasyaabih, they do not mempersoalkannya, because they are afraid if the verses in the ta'wilkan according to their own, will lead to disputes and may cause a rupture between them after the Islamic sendiri.Tetapi adopted by the people who used to embrace a variety of religious and madzhab, they would not receive a Aqidah, but after debating Aqidah and compared them with the old. Islamic scholars terpaksalah then serve them with a proof-proof hujjah-hujjah according to the ways they think. This support, encouragement and assistance from the caliph-caliph, among caliph al-Mahdi who encourage scholars to write and compile knowledge Kalam.

Finally, in the science of Kalam is timbullah two of the biggest. The first is the Al-Jama'ah, and the two parties Mu'tazilah. Both have some differences in opinion in the matter. The second dipelopori by Washil bin 'atha'. Madzhab is supported and adopted by leaders of government Abbasiyah.

Kalam has knowledge of science is that the existence of Allah SAW, about nature that must remain for him, nature is jaiz are for him, until the nature that is abolished compulsory for Him. Science Kalam will also discuss about the messengers of God to set His treatise truth. What must have on himself, al-jaiz thing for him, and things that are connecting himself to them.

We can see the explanation Ibn Khaldun (1333-1378) the following:

ھو علم يتضمن الحجج عن العقائد الایمانیة بالادله العقلیة والردعلی المبتد عةالمنحرفینفیالاعتقاداتعنمذاهبالسلفوأهلالسنة

This means: Kalam Science is knowledge which contains the reasons for maintaining the trust-trust in faith, using the theorem-proof and contains a mind-denial denial to those who deviate from the belief of the salaf and the Sunnah.

Science Kalam, known as Islamic science that stands alone, ie, the Kalifah Al-Ma'mun's Bani Abasiyah. Science is called science because Kalam:
  1. That the most important issue for discussion at a century-beginning of the century Hijrah is whether Kalam Allah (Al-Qur'an) is qadim or hudus.
  2. Basic science of Kalam is proof-proof your mind and thoughts of this proposition clear in the discussion mutakallim. They rarely use the theorem naqli (Al-Qur'an and Hadith), except after the straight set first issue based on the theorem-proof your mind.
Science Kalam has a lot of, among others: (1) nation Sciences, (2) science Ushuluddin, and (3) science Aqidah / aqo'id.

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