Flow Murji'ah, Flow Qadariyah, Flow Jabariyah , Flow Mu'tazillah , Flow Ass'ariyah

3) Flow Murji'ah
This flow appears as a reaction on the sikapnya not involved in the effort to disbelieve mengkafirkan against people who do great sin. Sebagaiman done by the flow khawarij. They suspend the assessment of the people involved in the events that tahkim before God, because God knows the faith sesorang. Group considers this who do not disbelieve major sin, because they still believe God Allah SWT. and believe the prophet Muhammad SAW. As his apostles.

4) Flow Qadariyah
Qadariyah rooted in Qadara means that you can decide and have the power or ability. As the flow of knowledge in Kalam, Qadariyah is the name that is used to provide a flow of the emphasis on human freedom and power in the act-deeds.

5) Flow Jabariyah
Jabariyah name comes from the word "jabara" has the meaning of force. Meanwhile, according to al-Syahrastani, jabariyah means the act of the servant of the base and the fact the act is to Allah SWT. The first person to bring understanding among the people jabariyah islam is the al-Dirham Ja'ad. Views ja'ad is then disseminated by his followers.

6) Flow Mu'tazillah
In history, Mu'tazillah related to cases arising Washil Ibn 'atha', who was born in Medina in the year 700 with the M al-Hasan al-Basri. Washil often hear the lecture-course given that al-Hasan al-Bisri in Bashrah. Suatu ketika ia mengemukakan pendapat bahwa ia tidak setuju dengan paham kaum khawarij yang menyatakan bahwa orang mukmin yang berdosa besar menjadi kafir, dan kaum murji’ah yang menyatakan bahwa orang mu’min yang berdosa besar masih tetap mu’min. Washil berpendaat people that Islam is not a big sin Mu'min or infidelity, but it is between them. If the person before meningal repent, then he will go to heaven. However, if the opportunity does not repent, then he will go to hell.

6) Flow Ass'ariyah
Theology Asy'ariyah built by Abu Hasan Ali bin Isma'il Asy'ari, who was born in the year Bashrah M 873 and died in Baghdad 935 years M. Initially students from his al-Jubbai and including the leading people in the Mu'tazillah. Teachings in this class include, among others, on: the nature of God, proof of God, acts human, and the intellect.

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