Both the birth of "nation state" in the mid 20th century and encouraged the development of the national government during the New Order period stimulated the growth of structure and function theori Parsons. Not only pragmatik (non-dynamic) that point because the objective is economic growth, but also cover less social change and conflict. Changes in the social structure in Indonesia akan actually started in 1960 with the Agrarian set, but it stops (1965) and then andalannya is the middle klas. Klas often said that the middle is a prerequisite for democracy and economic growth.

Dialectics in the community that has the potential for conflict between centralism and political currents that the freedom of youth depression, the crisis burst in 1997 and 1998 reforms to shake up public joint-joints. Symptoms that were previously latent, now the People's attention, and various elite became an important factor in business mecapai new national consensus.

Given the issues mentioned above, felt that the book P. Sorokin (1928) "Contemporary Sociological Theories" has been expanded with the theori-theori already integrate several more branches of social sciences. Pertautan between aspects of psychology, for example can be found in the R. Presthus (1962) and D. Riesman et al. (1961). K. Boulding (1962) a professor of economic theory, adding the conflict and enrich theori of classical (Marx, Simel, Coser). Also closely related to the symptoms that we experienced since 1998 is Reformation books C. Wright Mills (2959 and 1963).

Analysis-analysis experts above indicates the importance of the social dynamics of modern society in a more enrich our imagination sociology. So in the United States after T. Parsons-sect sect arose Sociology young better understand the importance of symptom change and social conflict, and in sparing the author is more a tradition inherited from the European Sociology.

This is justified by a. Gouldner who write and concluded that "Academic Sociology increasingly involved with the analysis of K. Marx, for example in the United States so that the cause of movement "New Left" against the Establishment, or in Europe (Germany) "The Red" with the young leaders Beader Meinhof. Prd in Indonesia may be able diketegorikan rebellion in the young generation like that, that is saturated with elite New Order in Japan also have similar movements.

Rebellion against tradition and thought generation "ARRIVE" the old-fashioned by the younger generation will always arise in human society as happened in 1945, briefly in 1965 and nowadays since 1998. In a pure sense is a general paradigm adopted in Indonesia Sociology graduates need to change. If the New Order Zaman difficult to analyze the phenomenon of open conflict and social stratification between Klas, is now more acceptable, because the symptoms are there even since the era of colonialism.

Feudal structure of the flake and eksploatasi clearly already have. So need to reorientasi sociology Sociology and many scientists consider cedekiawan the development of culture because of the situation has changed. Challenges not only in the country, but also at the same time in our relationship with the state and nation, not just the geographical become our neighbors, but also with countries sebenua, even in another continent.

Of social actors are not only more "nation state" but a community or state across the nation who are nation-state boundaries. -Sect religious sect into one of the clear illustrations, but also "to support conservation of nature and environment, and the struggle for the" Human Rights "and" Gender "can be understood as a community which is the major feature of the Global. Sociology can no longer survive by limiting the self-learning with the "residual social elements like never initiated by French scholars Saint Simon in the early 19th century. This is the reason why you need to have reorientasi Sociology in Indonesia; not the economy that will survive as "The Queen of the Social Sciences", but extend the hand of the sociology of science branches Social Humanism and others to analyze and solve problems in an integrated society.
1. BOUMAN, P.J. (1976). Sosiologi, Pengertian dan masalah. Yogyakarta, Penerbit Yayasan Kanisius. COSER, L. (1964).
2. The Function of Social Conflict. New York, The Free Press. DURKHEIM, E. (1966).
3. The Division of Labour (Translation). New York, The Free Press. HINDESS, Barry (ed. 1977). Sociological theories of the Economy. London, the Mac Millan Press.

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