Flow Khowarij

Khawarij is the flow of Islamic theology in the first show. According to Ibn Abi Bakr Ahmad Al-Syahrastani, called Khawarij that everyone who is out of the case and that the priest had agreed the jama'ah, whether it is out of the Khulafaur Rasyidin, or at the Tabi'an good. Khawarij name comes from the word "kharaja" which means exit. The name is given to those who exit from the Ali.
The cohort group khawarij in general consists of those Arab Badawi. Their lives in the deserts and arid desert well cause they are simple, either alive or thoughts. However, they insist, hard, be independent, and does not depend on others who tend to be radical.
Group-the largest Khawarij that the al-Syahrastani there are eight, namely: (1) al-Muhakkimah, (2) al-Azariqah, (3) al-Nadjat, (4) al-Baihasiyyah, (5) al-Ajaridah, ( 6) al-Sa'alibah, (7) al-Ibadiah, and (8) al-Shufriyah.namun only three groups are known in many of the world history of islam. The three groups included in the khawarij will be described further in the following reviews:

a) Al-Muhakkimah
Al-Muhakkimah is a group for people who are out of the line place called Harura, part of the country Kufah. Al-Muhakkimah is Khawarij the first entrant into Ali.

b) Al-Azariqah
Al-Azariqah is part of the Khawarij who can arrange a new line of large and strong. Regional authority is located in the area of Iraq and Iran. The cohort in this group was estimated at over twenty thousand people. Khalifah first they select is the first time Nafi '. They gave him the title of Amir al-Mu'minin. Figures are then died in the battle with Iraq in the year 686 M. Attitude is more radical faction of al-Muhakkimah. They change the term to be unbelievers or polytheists term polyties that higher levels of kufur. This can be seen from the opinion that they may kill a small child who does not sealiran with them, people who do big or small the sin many times can be a heathen, who called the sin of infidelity milllah, that is out of a total of islam and eternal life along with the unbelievers.

c) Al-Nadjat
Al - Nadjat is the khawarij the third. The name is taken from the name of the leaders named Ibn Nadjah "Amir al-Hanafi's Yamamah. In the beginning they want to join with the Azariqah, but not materialized due to dispute between the pursuer and Azariqah al-al-Nadjat. The pursuer did not understand al-Azariqah that Azraqy people who do not want to leave in the environment al-Azariqah are idolaters. They also do not approve of al-Azariqoh that kill children and wives who did not see eye to eye with them is allowed. Then they separate themselves from Nafi 'and went ka Yemen. This is where they can be interesting Najdah to their parties in an effort to understand the contention that Nafi ', as mentioned above. With different al-Azariqah, Najdah argued that a guilty person can be a large and disbelieve in eternal hell and only Islam that is not congenial with golongannya. Meanwhile, if the followers of sin, will get a reply right punishment, but not in hell, and then will go to heaven.

3) Flow Murji'ah
This flow appears as a reaction on the sikapnya not involved in the effort to disbelieve mengkafirkan against people who do great sin. Sebagaiman done by the flow khawarij. They suspend the assessment of the people involved in the events that tahkim before God, because God knows the faith sesorang. Group considers this who do not disbelieve major sin, because they still believe God Allah SWT. and believe the prophet Muhammad SAW. As his apostles.

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