Health in the Islamic Part II

World Health Organization (WHO) provides the definition of health that is "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of desease or infirmity" which means "health is a state of the perfect body, if ( mental) and social, and not just circumstances that are free from disease, disability, and frailty. "

From the above it can be concluded that human health from three (3) elements, namely: (1) elements of the body (physical), (2) mental elements (people), and (3) elements of social life that is reflected in the day-to-mesyarakat day.

Said if the body healthy physical condition (anatomical) and function (physiological) networks or organs in a normal situation. Soul (mental) someone said, if someone is able to set options or objectives and the ability menyerasikannya with himself, while health is a social perikehidupan in the community so that each individual (private) have the ability to maintain and promote the life of themselves, their families, and communities in around them.

II. Factors affecting health
Someone's health can be affected by several factors, among others: (1) environmental factors, (2) behavioral factors, (3) factors of health services, (4) factors offspring.

Environmental factors is one important factor in the impact on health seseoramg. Environmental factors include physical linkungan, bilogik, social and cultural. Example the influence of environment on health someone, if someone is living in a very bad place, then the environment will affect the disease suffered by some people, such as: skin disease, an infection of worms, and so forth.

Impact on the behavior of factors influence the life of someone in the neighborhood. This is influenced by the habits of living day-to-day, local customs, religious views, the level of intellectual and socio-economic level someone is.

The health service is also part of the health masyarakat.Upaya felt that health services include: promotional, preventive, kualitif, curative, and rehabilitative.

Factors associated with the descendants of the large population, high population growth, population distribution, population distribution and the descendants of the disease (which is revealed through the genre), such as diabetes, high blood, asthma, and mental illness.

III. Islam views on illness

Everything in the universe, including all kinds of diseases and drugs penangkalnya created by Allah SWT. As in the word Allah SWT. sabda the Prophet and the following:

This means: "And Allah is powerful over all things." (Ali Imran: 189)

فا ن الله لم يضح داع الاوضح له شفاع غيرداعواحدوهوالهرم (رواه البخارى ومسلم)

This means: "Allah does not decrease the disease down but also medicine, except for one disease, namely old disease." (Bukhari Muslim HR.).

In Islam it is divided into two major groups, including heart or liver disease called "Qolbun Maridh" disease and the body which is called "Jismun Maridh".

A. Kalbu disease (Qolbun Maridh)
According to Imam al-Ghazali, heart (heart) in the sense of the fact that fine man who can capture all the understanding, knowledge, and wisdom. Qalbu determine good and bad behavior of someone. Sabda the Prophet. As follows:

الاوان فىالجسد مضغة اذاصلح الحسد كله واذافسدت فسدالحسد كله الاوهىالقلب (رواهالبخرى ومسلم)

This means: "Remember, that this body there are segumpal blood, when he was good then okay entire body, and when it is broken then the whole body rusaklah. Remember, that it is the mind. " (Bukhari Muslim HR.).
Mind that sickness is the source of the problem and the starting point of damage on the earth, both the damage menusia itself and damage in the surrounding nature. Different types of heart disease is often mentioned in the Qur'an are:
1. Envy (jealous / envy)
A feeling that there is a feeling in the heart is not happy when there is someone to receive grace from God, both favor versatility, power, wealth or beauty of form of property, along with efforts to favor the move to himself
2. Hirsh (greedy / covetous)
A desire to get things over, what had felt less, so try to get a more up to God and forget the road that is not good
3. Haughty (proud / cocky / arrogant)
Be proud of themselves excessive. Can feel himself the most, and so clever to forget with all kekurangannya and assume others contemptible and low
4. Kadzdzab (lie / fabrication)
Desire in the form of a promise, a false oath, distort the facts with the purpose of seeking its own advantage
5. Su'udhhan (ugly prejudices)
The form of suspicions over to other people, bahea think someone is doing it's ugly acts against himself
6. Riya '
Praised the form of desire, and disanjung valued by others. Good deeds that he did not merely because God, but because you want to get a compliment from a fellow human
7. Revenge
A feeling / desire to reply to other people who do not have either to himself, and desires can not be lost before it can respond

B. Diseases Board (Jismun Maridh)
Sick body is a situation where the condition of the body of someone not in normal circumstances, good body organs or organ function itself. Pain according to the views of Islam can be seen from the two (2) the point of view, namely: (1) the point of view of nation, (2) the point of view of law as a result.

1. From a nation
From a nation, that disease can befall someone katergori be grouped into two namely:

a. Sick as a test from God
Human beings as God will not be a trial, irrespective of the name. Trial might be illness, disability, lack of wealth, hunger, and suffering of other life. All trial, as a verification of a person before Allah SWT, who courageously and patiently accept the exam and who lie and refuse. Described in the word of God:

Surat al-Baqarah: 155

This means: "And indeed We will give a trial to you, with something of fear, hunger, lack of wealth, lives and fruits. And give glad tidings to those who are patient. "

All the suffering, distress and pain is a test from Allah SWT. therefore be patient and people are required to receive the test in the gritty, and always ask to God so that we can test it with the heart that receive Ikhlash.
Sabda also described in the Messenger of Allah:

واناللهتعالىاذااحبقوماابتلىهمفمنرضىفلهالرضافمنسخطفلهالسخط (رواهابنماجهوالترمنى)

This means: "And verily, if Allah SWT. love the one, with various dicobanya trial. Ridha who receive them, Allah akan meridhainya. And whoever wrath, God will be angry "(HR. Ibn Majah and Tirmidzi)

b. Sick as a punishment from God
Zhalim any act or disbelieve in Allah, surely Allah dibalas by either directly (when living in the world) and not directly (in the grave nature and natural life of the Hereafter). Punishment of life in the world can be a humiliation, distress, pain, and various natural. Described in the Word of Allah SWT. below.
Surat al-Baqarah: 59

This means: "And those who do wrong to replace the command with (a) that was not to them. Therefore we seize upon those who do wrong from the sky, because they transgress. "

History has proven, how many people who have disobeyed Allah SWT destroyed., As diterankan in his following words:
Surat al-A'raf: 4
This means: "How many countries that have We destroyed, so Our punishment came (overwrite the population) in its time they were in the night, or in their time of rest in the middle of day."

2. From the legal point of view due
In al-Qur'an that there be a result of the incident is a reason. Therefore, each occurrence is, look what the cause. Can be seen on the word Allah SWT. following:
Surat al-Kahfi: 84
This means: "Verily, We gave him power in the (face) the earth, and we have to give way to him (for) everything."

Surat al-Kahfi: 85
This means, "then he followed a way."

Berdasarkanp medical science research and some explanation is in al-Qur'an and al-Hadith, the causes of disease can be grouped into three (3) of the following:
1. Ulah sick because of human
The fact indicates that the damage to the environment because many people act, giving rise to various kinds of disasters, natural and disease. Described da; lam says he
Surat Ar-Rum: 41

This means: "The visible damage on land and at sea caused by the act manusi hand, God supay feel part of them (due to) their deeds, so that they will return (to the right).

Asy-mail Syuraa: 30

This means: "And what is natural then you overwrite is caused by their own hands, and God forgive most (from the error-kesalahanmu).

2. Illness because sorcery
Magic or fortune-telling is a kind of knowledge that can make people sick. The existence of this knowledge is also recognized in Islam. As Allah SWT says. following:
Letters Thaha: 69

This means: "Throw that which is in the right, he would swallow akan what they do. "Indeed, what they do is devised mage (pure). And will not win the magician, from wherever it comes."

Magic acts, including one of the acts prohibited in Islam. As sabda Prophet. following:

اجتنبواالسبعالموبقات الشرك بالله ولسحروقتل النفس التى حرمالله الابلحق (رواهالبخارى)

This means: "7 things you Jauhilah the damage, namely: menyekutukan God, conjure, killing someone who mengharamkannya God except the truth ... ... ... .... Ff "(Bukhari HR.)

3. Sick because the disease
Medical science now explain, that the incidence of disease in the human body is due to a disruption of the balance:
a. Host
Ie factors that are in themselves so that people themselves can cause diseases such as nutrition, children, age level etc..
b. Agent
Factor that is affected by the disease environment of abiotik (dead objects) such as sharp objects, poison, chemical substances etc..
c. Environment.
Factors of disease that is arising with the object of a abiotik (living things) around the human, such as: bacteria, viruses, etc..

C. Systems Medicine
In the antiquity, the system of medical treatment becara not known as current, but all the ditimbul certainly have a solution in it. Treatment system is carried out according to the Prophet history have 3 (three) ways, namely: (1) how natural treatment, (2) ways of spirituality (Ruqiyyah), and (3) how kombiansi (merging).

1. How natural treatment

الشفاء فى ثلاث شربة عسل وشرطة محجم وكية نارواناانهىا متى عن الکتى (رواہ البخارى)
This means: "Medicine is there are three kinds of honey to drink, with the surgical scalpel (hijamah) and heating with fire, and the treatment I Disallow people with kai (hot iron)" (Bukhari HR.)

2. How spiritual treatment (Ruqiyyah)
Medicine Ruqiyyah way is the way to the treatment of a disease is melafazkan do'a both from al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah to cure a disease. Be the word of God in the following:

Surat Al-Isra ': 82
This means: "And We send down from the Al Quran to be a bidder and a mercy for those who believe in the Quran and Al did not add to people who do wrong other than the loss.

Also be explained in several hadith about how some Ruqiyyah treatment of:

عنعلى بن ابى طالب قال. قال رسولالله صلىاللهعليه وسلمخيرالدواءالقران (رواه ابن ماجه)

This means: "From Ali bin Abi Talib, he said:" Rasulullah SAW. He said: "The best treatment is (a) Al-Qur'an." (HR. Ibn Majah)

عن ابى حزامة قال. قلت يارسولالله ارايت رقى نسترقيها ودواءنتدا واىبه وتقاة نتقيها 0 هل تردمن قدرالله شيأ فقال هى منقد رالله (رواه أحمدوالترمذى)

This means: "From Abu Khuzamah, he said:" I said: O Messenger of Allah! What about melafazkan word do'a ask for healing (Ruqiyyah), we bacakan ruqiyyah about that and we use the drugs to treat the disease and about the words do'a ask for the protection / maintenance (taqiyyah), and that we bacakan taqiyyah ? Does not it mean decline taqdir (provision) of God? "Then the prophet SAW. Said: "It also includes taqdir God. ". (HR. Ahmad and Turmudzi)

Also described in the book of al - Adzkar page: 90

قال السيد الجليل صاحب الکرامات والمعارف . والمواهب واللطائف . ابراهيم الخوص رضي الله عنه دواء القلب خمسة اشياء قراءة القران بالتذبر . وخلاء البطن. وقيام الليل . ولمتضرع عندالسحر . ومجالسة الصالحيفن

This means: "that the drug's liver disease is five (5), namely: to read the Qur'an al-m, rnghayati means clear stomach (fasting), wake up the night (of worship), nights dzikir (juxtapose themselves to Allah) on the third night, or are gathered with the people or good people sholeh.

3. How treatment combination / merger
It is a way how to combine medication with natural methods in a way ruqiyyah. A disease other than try to be cured with natural ways such as drinking honey and so forth, is also accompanied by the offset and reading verses from the do'a al-Qur'an in the hope that more can menyembhkan disease more quickly

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