Kiai typology and rank in the Pesantren

Prior to decipher the position (of leadership) Kiai in the pesantren, first author describe the Kiai. The word "Kiai" is derived from the ancient language jawa "kiya-kiya" means a person who respected. Sedangkang in pemakaiannya used to: first, objects or animals that dikeramatkan, such as Kiai Plered (spear), and Kiai Kiai Rebo Wage (elephant in the zoo shop Gembira Yogyakarta), both parents in general, third, people who have expertise in Religion Islam, who taught at Pesantren santri. While the terminologis according to Manfred Ziemnek understanding Kiai is "the founder and leader of a Muslim boarding as a" civility "has dedicate his life" for the sake of God "and the distribution and deep teachings and views of Islam through Islamic education activities. However, in general, people in the word" Kiai "disejajarkan does with Islamic scholars in the treasury. (Moch. Eksan, 2000).

Abdurrahman Mas'ud (2004, 236-237) to enter into a five-Kiai typology:
  1. Kiai (ulama) encyclopedi and multidisipliner the mengonsentrasikan themselves in the world of science, learning, teaching and writing, producing many books, such as Nawai al-Bantani.
  2. Kiai experts who specialize in one field of knowledge of Islam. Because of their expertise in various fields of science, they are sometimes called boarding in accordance with their specialization, such as pesantren al-Qur'an.
  3. Kiai charismatic that karismanya of religious knowledge, especially from sufismenya, such as the KH. Kholil Bangkalan Madura.
  4. Kiai Dai around, the more attention and involvement of the lectures delivered in the form of knowledge as the interaction with the public together with the mission sunnisme or aswaja with language retorikal effective.
  5. Kiai movement, because the role of leadership and skill of extremes, both in society and the establishment of the organization, and the depth of religious knowledge which has, thus become the most prominent leaders, such as the KH. Hasyim Asy'ari.
From the results of the research done by the boarding LP3ES years 1972-1973 in the Bogor area, showing some of the findings, including that of leadership held by the formal boarding a Kiai. Advance or retreat a boarding depends on the credibility and moral kiainya managerial ability. In general, in the boarding kepemimpimpian follow charismatic leadership, leadership does not follow rational. (Sudjoko Prasodjo, 1975).

According to Abdul-Rozaki (2004, 87-88) karisma the Kiai is one of the strengths that can create the effect in communities. There are two dimensions that need to be. First, charisma earned by someone (Kiai) are given, sperti large body, a loud voice and a sharp eye and the genealogis ties with Kiai karismaik before. Second, charisma earned through ability in pengausaan of religious knowledge and morality, along with the righteous personality, loyalty and help the community.

Kiai leadership position in the boarding more emphasis on aspects of the ownership shares of pesantren and the depth of morality and theology, and often ignore the managerial aspects. Generality Kiai is not only a leader but also as owners persantren. Kiai position as the leader santri in all things, which in turn generate Kiai role as researchers, filter and eventually similator aspects of culture from the outside, in a situation like that in itself put the Kiai as cultural brokers (agents culture). (Dawam Rahajo, 1995: 46-47).

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