Islam at Somalia

Among Somalia's society, besides sect Syafi ‘ i., antic African common law also calculated strong enough. In a few particular problem, e.g. about inheritance, mostly Somalia's society prefers to utilize common law to weigh islamic law. It, indeed, in contrast to religion figure circle its that so strength applies islamic law, its main is Shafi's sect ‘ i.. Practically, jurisdictional system and about invitation at Somalia have at westernization by England and Italian, two European states that since pengujung century 19thing to gain control Somalia. England, e.g., apply severally law which diberlakukannya at India, one of its colonial territory. Nonetheless, privat's law, well of Islamic and also local custom, all same keberlangsungannya's maintained regular.

In common, Somalia's society really been regarded by four tarekat's flows, which is Qadiriyya, Ahmadiyya, Salihiyya and Rifa ‘ iyya. In struggle against colonist, e.g.,  its main starting motor is figures tarekat. That is why, figures tarekat becomes figures that really been respected, even kadangkala rather dikultuskan, by society most. While emerges Revivalisme's movement Radical Islam( Radical Islamic Revivalism ) that have Islamic purification mission, that its founder figure is Sayyid Mohamed Abdille Hasan (m. 1921), incorrectly a prominent tarekat Salihiyya, therefore a large part society gives strong support. 

 That ketokohan's fanaticism, bit by bit, pupus's beginning, after on 1935, formed Somaliland National Society , with Hajji Farah Omar as pioneer it. Ormas this centralize attention to modern education that adopt effloresce education system at Western. Since that time, bermunculan is ormas's sort, one for example Somali Official ’ Union  (1937) and Somali Youth League  (1943), until Somalia reaches for its independence on 1960. Since that time, Islamic id discourse in politics life, by degrees, beginning angled by socialism issue that, on decade 1960 an, its chasm really bagitu heavy duty in politicses social discourse universalize Islam. But, are not meaning society leave religion life. keberagamaan lingers and strength, and sect law rules Shafi ‘ i. constant guarded. Just only, figures its religion prefers fall in sociological social activity than dabbled deep politics jungle.

    Islamic politics id discourse gets to fade, when on 1969, Siyad Barre's major-general, Soldier field marshal and Somalia's Police Inspector, do kup d. ’ ètat  and takes over power of Shermarke's President. She proclaims Somalia's commitment to socialism that gets scientific character( scientific socialism ) and gets direction to Uni's fortification intermediate Soviet gets cold war against United States Of America. That scorpion, Uni is Soviet requires air-force base in order to expand its influence at Red Sea and Indian Ocean region. Instantly, Siyad Barre offers berbera as location of base. From it, Uni is Soviet coaches and equip Somalia's soldier in order to frees Ogaden of Ethiopian hand. While that, Siyad Barre really so ambition to render Somalia Raya's Unity State, which is with unites Ogaden, Somalia is Western, Jibuti and to his North. Ambition this is seemingly which melatarbelakangi Siyad Barre's politics policy to get direction to Uni Soviet.

Even on 1979, Avowed islam as religion official state, but while it also, Somalia is proclaimed as state socialist. One and only party which may amends be socialist party that named Somali Socialist Revolutionary Party . As one socialist, Siyad Barre tries to erase religion attribute of politics social lifes Somalia's societies. E.g., she substitutes Arab writing become latin writing and draw the line mosque activity just in ritual's religious service. ketidaksukaan Siyad Barre to Islamic issue in politicses social life menyulut damps down figure circle dislike religion to her. Beginning 1975 until 1990, hundreds religion figure becomes diktatorisme's victims Siyad Barre's governances. In brief, society perceives more safe living under English colonization and Italian to weigh Siyad Barre's dictatorship. Finally, on 1990, this regime lodgings by oposannya

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