Bachelor-degree Dutch meminati many formerly titled Sociology Graduate Law, and aspects of Psychology is also taught in the Faculty of Law, may be inherited from the period of study Customary Law which is still attractive. This is why both the University of Indonesia and Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia lecturers many SH title. Such as Soelaeman Soemardi, Soekanto, Soetandiyo Wignyo Soebroto, Satjipto Raharjo and others.
The influence of European sociology and also explore the thinker's philosophy of al-thinker Mr. Sosiologi August Comte (1798-1857). Approach rather ethno-Antropologis also reflected in the E. Durkheim on religion, but other books such as the "Division of Work" (1966) and "Suicide" is already clearly be in the context of macro-sociology. Indeed, the distribution of theori-theori classical Sociology in Indonesia is not too broad, names such as P. Sorokin, M. Weber, Znaniecki, Marx, Von Wiese, G. Simmel, T. Shanin and more or less fill material of the course lecturers.
Since mid-1950s Indonesia began to send students to the various social sciences out of the country, but there is a tendency more to the United States than to Europe. Among other Soedjito Djojohardjo sent to England, but more a study in the United States and the Ph.D. thesis Prof. as. Selo Soemardjan, Mely Tan APU, Prof.. Hasyah Bachtiar (only briefly at the University of Amsterdam prior to Harvad) and others.
Need to understand that development and growth of digubah specialists theori Sociology is from the big events in the community and influence-the impact to the thinker / scientist who later received a number of assumsi which underlie theori. Therefore the government needs in the Dutch East Indies colony scientists encourage the habit tribes in the archipelago nation. The policy directs that in such a way so that their occupation does not cause a rejection or protest that is too strong.

In the period 1800-1825, under the influence of the growth of the bourgeoisie in Europe and the early industrialization of cause / reclaim "cultural utilitarianisme" sociology as if only to learn the symptoms remaining (unfinished business) revolution in the travel industry. A. Gouldner (1973:92) mendeskripsikannya in the sentence "made the residual Sociology, Social, Element its sphere." So ranah sociology as if separate from economic development and technology. Just around the mid-19th century sociology, economics and politics (Marx, 1848) began to understood as fields of knowledge that each other stranded. "Sociology thus remains concerned with society as a whole" as some kind of totality, but it now regards itself as responsible only for one dimension of this totality. Society has been parceled out analytically (Tj. Only) among the various social sciences. Analytic From this standpoint, sociology is indeed, concerned with social systems or society as a whole ", but only as it is a social whole." (Gouldner, 1973:94) Theori in the social sciences find any regularity, and understanding the human behavior and attitudes that mendasarinya. Because the people that change, understanding, attitudes and behavior of residents / social actors can change.

Indeed, social perubahaan can be macro, but can also include more micro-society groups, which are relatively smaller than one nation, or group of nations. Theori also contain the nature of universality, meaning that you can apply it in the community in which alone, although often be atara Grand theori Theory and the scope of it does not.
Theori August Comte, Karl Marx and Max Weber theory can be classified to the Grand Theory, while the relatively micro theori Parson as escape from the framework of history and focus on analisnya system and social structure, more specifically in the United States. An expert Sociology Alwin Gouldner (1971), which are critical and write a book entitled "The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology" Talcott Parsons revealed that the "Academic Sosiology" in the United States experienced a tremendous economic crisis (1930), and even then the flow of influence in outside the U.S. Parsons also try to find a settlement prgamatis more in the imagination zamannya bear theori "Social System".

This sebanya theori tesebut also affect the teaching and understanding of sociology, the time in 1930-an interesting lot of the experts outside the U.S. sociologist. Even so menggusur theori-theori sociology in the European tradition, such as Max Weber, Karl Mannheim and others who do not turn aside philosophical and historical dimensions. So can be said to arise sociology Meso theori Parsons, but with the expense of the "dynamics" (macro-social changes that characterize Sociology Europe) with mengunggulkan "Structure and Function."
Due to the influence of the United States as a country after the 1950 adidaya growing after the second world war, theori Sociology terpengaruhi also developing countries, because menekuni problem that does not exceed the limit of "nation state". Countries with a new awareness of the national high want to set the institutional structures in each community. Now in Indonesia began to feel the dilemma, because the "nation state" has not been steady Globalization has emerged that the grouping behavior and social behavior-a more universal

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