Leadership behavior of Kiai

In relation to the behavior that appear on the leaders themselves, it is not apart from nature which is owned by the leader. Because of the nature and behavior inherent in a leader can not be separated. Thus the behavior of leaders learn synonymous with learning attributes that should be owned by the psychology and specialist organization in the way of leadership characteristics to identify the nature or characteristics of successful leaders.

In the view of Islam on the existence of a leader of a group or organization's legal obligation, as word of Rasulullah SAW.; "If three people walking in a way, lift one of them as leaders." (H. David R. Abu). Furthermore, in another narration Rasulullah SAW. Remind "There was a priest (leader) in or out except for prayer followed." In Q.S. An-Nisaa: 59 commandments to obey and comply with the imam (leader) stated explicitly;

يأيها الذين آمنوا أطيعوا الله وأطيعوا الرسول وأولي الأمر منكم

"O those who believe, obey Allah and the Messenger ta'atilah (His), and ulil Amri (leader) of you."

Obligation to obey and obey the leaders in the eyes of Islam because he is the chosen people have with nature is commendable (Akhlaqul Karimah). Thus, a leader in the process of leadership is of the view of God and the people (who dipimpinnya). Leaders must have a high responsibility, both before God and before men. Responsibility of leadership so that it can run well, then he must have attributes that commendable. Rasulullah SAW. lead man with a noble nature, so nature kepemimpinannnya to become a reference for every leader, especially for Muslims and Grace become as natural to all be in the QS Al-Anbiya: 107)

وما أرسلناك الآ رحمة للعالمين

"And we have not (Muhammad) but to be a mercy to the worlds."

The nature of leadership that he is very famous (1) Shidiq (right), (2) Tabligh (delivered), (3) Amanah (trustworthy / honest), (4) Fathonah (intelligent). More than the success of the leadership he is because he has a commendable akhlaq (akhlaqul Karimah).

Four nature of leadership he can be understood with the context of a broader understanding. But the general nature of the four who will deliver it to the success of his leadership in the running wheel. Relation to the progress and changes that occur in the community sekaranmg this, the nature of leadership in the Kiai persantren or other formal leaders have a heavy burden. Thus a leader must have the advantages in science, mental endurance and physical stamina.

According to Imam Moedjiono (2002: 61-67) that the nature of-merit that should be owned by a leader based on the perspective of al-Qur'an covers;
  1. Bepengetahuan knowledgeable, creative initiatives, sensitive, capacious chest, and always responsive. View Q.S. Al-Mujadalah: 11,
  2. Act fair, honest and consistent, referring to al-Qur'an Surat An-Nissa: 58,
  3. Responsible see Q.S. Al-An'am: 164,
  4. Selective information to them, Al-Hujurat paragraph 16,
  5. Always give a warning, Qur'an Adz-Mail Dzariyat paragraph 55,
  6. Able to give instructions and guidance, Q.S. As-Sajadah: 24,
  7. Like consulting, Q.S. Ali Imran: 159,
  8. Istiqamah and the firm establishment, Q.S. Al-Ahqaf: 13,
  9. Happy to do good, Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 195,
  10. Always wish alleviate the burden of other people, soft against the believers, QS At-Taubah: 128,
  11. Creative and Tawakal, Q.S. Al-Qashash: 77,
  12. mempuniai Competitive spirit, Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 148,
  13. Estetik, and a good berkepribadian rapih, QS Al-'Araf: 31,
  14. Always harmonious and proportional in the act, QS Al-Baqarah: 190,
  15. Disciplined and productive, Q.S. Al-'Ashr.
Attributes mentioned above, it may not be owned by each oileh perfect leader, but leaders who are appointed and defined directly by Allah SWT. As the Apostles and the Prophets. Reality, not a few leaders who have a weakness and lack. However, the more we understand and comprehend the nature of leadership siafat-a laudable, the introspective dapatlah leaders strive to improve and scrape out the weakness and lack of on himself. Honest desire to improve yourself for a leader is important not to neglect in the running of the mandate dipikuilnya. As a leader he was living under the supervision of God and man. All is said or done is not a leader apart from the observation that examined carefully to God and men around him. Actions and behavior and words contain a message, the meaning, or to teach and pass nature to do something or not

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