Flow-In Flow Kalam

At the time of the prophet Muhammad SAW., Can compact the Islamic religion in the field, including in the field of Aqidah. If there are things that are not clear or matters be debated among the Companions, they return the problem to the prophets. So that is the explanation that he then became the grip.

In the government Khalifah Abu Bakr As Siddiq and Caliph Umar Bin Khattab, the people of Islam are still compact case as the prophet. At that time, there is no opportunity for Islamic people to try-try to discuss issues related to Aqidah and also other issues in the field of religion. They are more focused and pikirannya for the defense and the expansion of Islam, and spreading Islam under caliph. During the Caliph Abu Bakr As Siddiq (11-13 H/632-634 M), for example, concentrated attention to fight against those who perverted, people unwilling to pay zakat, and some false prophet. Prophets are false is Musailamah al Kazab, who confess that God has given the rank of the prophet to him, together with the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Kebohongannya because he is called Al Kazab.

Kalam described in science there are some flow-flow or the existing government during this period, namely: (1) Flow Syi'ah, (2) Flow Khawarij, (3) Flow Murji'ah, (4) Flow Qadariyah, ( 5) Flow Jabariyah, and (6) Flow Mu'tazillah

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