Leadership behavior and character of Kiai

Kiai in pesantren leadership to uphold the values that are noble in the mind behave, act and develop the pesantren. Values into sterling Kiai confidence in his life. So if in the lead against boarding or deviate from the noble values that diyakininya, directly and indirectly to the public trust or boarding Kiai akan pale. Indeed, because the noble values that Kiai or believed to be Muslims ruh (strength), which is believed to grace and mercy of Allah SWT.

In view of Islamic values is the noble faith, Islam and Ihsan. Each embraces Islam to know with certainty that Islam is not valid without faith, and faith is not perfect without Ihsan. Instead, Ihsan is impossible without faith, and faith is also not possible without the initials of Islam. (Nurcholis Madjid, 1995: 463).

Third word of each other co-exist, and must reside in a Muslim. Muslim who can practice the noble values of Islam is sincere. So there is faith in Islam and Ihsan, Ihsan in Islam and there is faith. If you can ditasybihkan (dianalogikan), Ihsan is Estetika of a building with pancangan pillar of Islamic faith and the solid wall, so that the shape of a perfect, strong and solid, beautiful and delicious  seen. Rasulullah SAW. Ihsan portray the grace and sharpness of mind so that it does not have a divider between Abdi Khaliknya with God, as sabdanya:

الإحسان هو أن تعبد الله كأنك تراه فإن لم تكن تراه فانه يراك

"Ihsan is to worship Allah, you seems to see you, when you can not see Allah melihatmu".

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