Religion and humanitarianism

Are forlorn while abusal to this humanitarianism happening while religion reaches to increase kemapanannya. Now found sparse, even unegual sekli, what does its name diklarasi or new religion decrease. Even samawi's religions, after hundreds ago century have declared for kemapanannya's zooms. Until Islam even is downed as religion of shell or penyempurna. That menunjukan that at doktrinal's level, religion has reached kemapanannya.

At least kemapanan this religion can be modelled by refers to some aught doctrine in religion. Its example islam, after its arrival have berkometmen to menghentaskan what does its name bondage. Until in many cases, Islam opens broad enough room for liberative human it. On the contrary, bondage door gets to be minimized.

In Christian we can model by that Messiah sacrifice are alone. Beliau until merelakan her to live at cross pillar to atone for man. This menunjukan kemapanan creed concerning with humanitarianism urgency. And is still a lot of another example.

Happening fact menunjukan with selfexplanatory, kemapanan is doktrinal's ala religion can't see enough. Aught doctrine need more digging up. Until kemapanan is religion experiences shift. Of doktrinal's level wend social life. Of text throne, making for problem humanitarianism that progressively complexeses.

Five Islamic states include in 14 states that disinyalir USA fails to prevent man commerce. Which is Arab Saudi, kuwait, Qatar, Sudan and Uni Is Arab Emirate. This fact point out its frail increases more digging up to Islamic teachings already perfect. Until lowered Islam after humanitarianism one will anti humanitarianism. Even enslaves man.

Humanitas is absolute Islam to be needed. Peneguhan can with two tricks. First, bearing out that back lowered Islam for human. Islamic arrival is not other to help solves various problem's kind humanitarianism. This affirmation is momentous. Since currently available terbalaik's trend; humanitarianism oftentimes sacrified by something that at laur humanitarianism. Including divinity. Until often been heard what does its name martial on behalf The Infinite.

Both of, humanitarianism reorientation. This also momentous to be borne out back. Since there is trend narrow that humanitarianism mean is alone. Until humanitarianism concept just applies for them what do one religion, one sect, seormas and another narrowing.

Islam never differentiate man. At skinned manner and its concept, man in Islamic so-called khalifatullah (The Infinite representative) at earth. Just opus, takwa and keimanan what does differentiate among one by another.

If may on the level, humanitarianism meaning narrowing this happening nearly merata in people life gets currently religion. Humanitarianism one just will apply for their group. While they is different one will be not entering deep naungan that humanitarianism.

I want to end up this simple writing with statement two figure outgrow. First of Islamic. Both of of European. Prophet has once say that deep Islamic never been differentiated among they what do of Arabic and non Arab. Among swarthy one or white even. Just fear that membadakan they. Mountsisque (1689 - 1755), incorrectly a France philosopher says, if find something that berfaidah divides me, but doesn't divide family, I try membungnya of mind. If find something that berfaidah divides family, but doesn't divide bansga, I try to forget it. And if find something that nation or Europe benefit, but doesn't divide humanitarianism, that is criminality. Classically, that is universal humanitarianism meaning that must goes on diblea and is beavered

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