Education and pattern

Because of cognitive aspects of building, afektif and psiko-motor at the same time, the dimensions of divine and human dimensions of the students in the self may be realized not only depend on the textbooks only. Required the involvement of teachers and managers of educational institutions together to create a religious atmosphere is good and true. Substantial involvement of the earlier role behavior or pattern of good (uswah hasanah), so it can be seen, and imitated by dihayati students. Demanded action pencontohan more than verbal instruction. In fact, in many cases, pattern and pencontohan far more effective from the teaching. The pattern implies a consistency penghayatan and educators over what diajarkannya, that radiate charm to their students to emulate and follow. Education with language acts (oral tarbiyyah bi al-case) for the students is far more effective than the education of speech language (oral tarbiyyah bi al-maqāl). It is very difficult to dispatch students to honor and respect of others through teaching materials science akhlāq, whereas the teachers still can not appreciate other people and mengormati. In an expression, it was stated that "the language act is more eloquent language than speech" (oral afshah the al-al-min oral maqāl) in the Java pribahasa known as the "ing ngarso sung tulodo".

This is the pattern that we rarely encountered of late, not only in educational institutions-such as pesantren and madrasah-only, but also in various social institutions-political, such as government institutions, political parties and mass organizations. As a result, the dimensions of tawhīd and realized akhlaq be difficult, because the mass of down (grassroot) often do not see a good example of the attitudes and behavior of everyday people above them. And, most likely, as morality decline in part of Indonesia at this time, with maraknya corruption, money politics and violence as evidence aktualnya, is the result of an error (something wrong) in the system and education during this pattern, in which the precedence is the only cognitive aspects of the students only, without considering more aspects afektif and psiko-motoriknya

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