Up to 20th century time range, sentence family at state mosleming to experience changing peer ala. A variety codification and unification effort continually been done ala gets apposition, along with situation requirement and condition of each state. Classic concept about gets sect that held by firmness all this time, by degrees, experience changing one. Was obviously, that renewal effort is uncommitted simultaneously. There is state which paroh is century first 20th have new's system sentences and about its invitation, including family law, but there is too a new one do renewal approximately since decade 1970 an. Every thing depends upon politics social condition each state.

    One of state which haven't so long time do renewal effort is Somalia, one that began by diundangkannya The Family Code 1975 . Previously, state that its easternmost position of that African Continent still apply traditional family law as one is brought together in fiqh's books classics, its main is Shafi's sect ‘ i.. Shafi's sect ‘ i. really dominant enough in life gets Somalia's society sect that well-nigh 100% its moslems.

    But, renewal that is done at Somalia, in temporary compiler watch, little bit more complex and unique as compared to at other states. A minimum, there is three factors that melatarbelakangi the difference that.  First , renewal effort did by state power that just establish socialism as ideology of state and gets direction to Uni Soviet to get, particularly, support and gunnery help. 
Both of, power applies authoritarian governance system militeristik. Opposition party is prohibitted and one any one that tries mengritik state policy must shortly be gutted. Have a lot of human soul that becomes strong-arm system victim that applied by this regime.  Third , formulation the Family Code 1975 , in common, have stepped out far left law order in Shafi's sect ‘ i. one followed by Somalia's society majority. On the contrary, particularly deep ruling about beneficial owner, rule in al Qur ’ an have also been been left. That is why, since its validity, this law not just after get place at heart a large part Somalia's society

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