What are the Views and Goals of Human Life as Being God's Creation

Human development and has been undergoing a tremendous pertumbuan in attendance in the face of this earth. Kengan structure otaknya perfection, man is able to adjust itself with the environment of his life, even they can against the problem-the problem they face. Ability of power pikirnya, they successfully excavate sciences which closed before thick fog, which is useful for the development and viability and generasinya. Maturity structure of the human body be explained by Allah SWT. In Al-Qur'an surat At-Tiin verse: 4, and the letter of Al-Mu'min verse: 64 which has been described in previous chapters.

Excess human ability that they have been able to dig up the earth's wealth for the simplicity of his life. This is also explained in Al-Qur'an. However, in the perfection of creation itself is limited by human laws which can not be replaced or changed by their ability reasoning brain. Laws that have been outlined by Allah SWT. And in Al-Qur'an mentioned the word "Sunnatullah" namely:

سنةالله فى الذین خلوامن قبل ولن تجد لسنة لله تبديلا (الاحزاب: 62)
This means: "For God's Sunna that apply to people who have been there before (mu), and you will never get a change in the Sunna of God." (Al-Azhaab: 62)

With the advantages that God gave to mankind, is certainly as His servants we must serve and believe in Him. His Sunna run, run all the command and try to evade the prohibition of all his. As the mandate bearer, of men who have very serious consequences and there is certainly a consideration of the mandate to implement the mandate of good in the running duties.

Because people are prepared to become inheritors of God that represents his set and maintain the universe and the natural environment, he has been given kelebigan distinction and that is not given to creature-thing else. In addition, it also must maintain themselves.

We demanded that the Islamic command of menta'ati Allah SWT. As a "submission" to him. And we know that no one from the Islamic nation is the main, that is to worship God, who created the gods and the universe, as difirmankan Allah in Al-Qur-an:

اتحذوا اخبارهم ورهبانهم اربابا مندونالله والمسيح ابن مريم وماأ مروا الا ليعبدوا الها واحدا لاالھ الاھوسبحا نهعما يشرکون (التوبه: 31)

This means: "They make people alimnya, and a monk-monk as their god but Allah, and also (they idolize) Al-Masih son of Mary, when they are ordered to worship only God, there is no god but He. Most holy God from that which they associate. " (At-Taubah: 31)

Clear that someone who claim to himself the servant of God, there is no other choice for him in his life other than make life or sport bathinnya and lahiriyah with recognition, that are entitled to be, not another Dzat from God, God, God the Most Holy of the that they have forged. Thus "submission" to Allah SWT.

Also mentioned in his words, a letter Al-Anbiyah paragraph: 5, which means:

"And they are not, except that does not worship God with rarefy keta'atan Him (only) with the religious right, and that they establish prayer and pay the obligatory charity, and that it is the right religion."

According to Islam, one must be responsible for the Mu'min keimananya in practice mandate that must be run in a life. Faith must be grown embedded in the heart, pronounced with the tongue and realized with the attitude that in accordance with the laws of Allah SWT.

Many motifs and the human factor is less in the running life goals set by his Lord. The cause of, among other forget his call. Forget the call here means that people forget the covenant with God. Not what you are running and what the larangannya. Factor in this they are reminded by God with his words:

وما لکم لاتوءمنون باللهو 1 لرسول يدعوکم لتوء منو 1 بربکم وقد 1 خذميثا قکم 1 نكنتم موءمنين (1 لحديد: 8)
This means: "And why do you not believe in God the apostle call you so that you believe in the Lord. And He has taken the agreement if you are those who believe. "

We can pull the conclusion that if they really Mu'min, why they call neglect Rasulillah SAW. That they may worship and fulfill his promise. Affirmed that Allah SWT. Taking their agreement. Among the agreements that the most fundamental are: The Esaan recognizes God as the God of the whole organism, and recognizes that the Prophet Muhammad is the Prophet and Rasulnya the end of the road take the "Islam" as the true religion.
In other words God also warns that people Mu'min negligent, which means:

"O those who believe, if you follow some of the people of the Al-Kitab, they will turn you into disbelievers after you have believed" (Ali Imran verse: 100)

To achieve the goal of human life set by God in the words he says, people should be able to fulfill all the agreements that have been assigned to that is:
1) acknowledge there is no god but God
According to his words in the Surah Al-A'raaf clause: 172 to read:

1 و ذ 1 خدربك منبنى 1 دم منظهورهم ذريتهم و 1 شهدهم على 1 نفسهم 1 لست بربکم قالو 1 بلىشهدنا (1 ف لاعر 1: 172)

This means: "And (remember) when your Lord, remove the seed of the children of Adam from the loin and Allah took their testimony against their lives (as said):" I am not your Lord? "They said:" Yes (Thou our God), we witness ".

2) recognize the "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."
Besides we acknowledge, that "There is no addition to the Lord God" that we must worship, also admitted that "Muhammad is His messenger", served to bring the two Islamic religious concepts, namely: Al-Qur'an and Hadith, to be submitted to all humankind in the world, the masyur called "rahmatan lil 'alamien".

3) acknowledge the Religion

Islam is a religion that has rules that are very good and up to date on all of the age and disposition, or in accordance with human instinct, that means all the rules and regulations approved by the Islamic people who truly realize akan kemanusiaannya, and also received by each of the human intellect healthy without any pressure that dirty mind, but sometimes it does not happen in humans, especially now.

Therefore, to the people generally accept that religion called Islam, what is the suitability for their treatment of a variety of issues consistent with the ideally by humankind in the pattern of their lives, according to the rules that have been determined by the gods SWT. Which is in the second draft of al-Qur'an and Hadith.
4) responsible
He says in Surah Al-Israa 'verse 34, God explains:

ولا تقربوا مال اليتيم الابالتى هى أحسن حتى يبلغ أشده واوفوا بالعهد انالعهد كان مسوءلا (الاسراء: 34)

This means: "And do not approach property of orphans except with a better (benefit) until it was mature and fill the promise, the promise is certainly required pertanggungjawabannya. (Al-Israa 'verse: 34)

Thus the appeal or to the people Mu'min, that fulfill the covenant, because God is Knower of all that is born and the hidden demands certain "responsibility" in its calculation of days later under the command of his own.

Never has the promise of never spoken of it once and result in fatal damage to the good deeds we have for this amalkan in achieving the goal of living in this world

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