The concept of Gender

The term Gender removed by social scientists to explain the differences of women and men as a gift of God's creation and which is the formation of cultural dikonstruksikan, learned and socialized. This distinction is important because during this time we often confound human characteristics that are kodrati and does not change, with human characteristics that are the actual nonkodrati may change or be changed. In other words, society does not actually distinguish which sex (nature) and which gender.
Planting is done as the concept of gender is also a knowledge of attitudes. So that gendering is a social-psychological construction means that the historical and cultural. Therefore, in implementing the gender of teaching materials for students of necessary knowledge is presented and attitudes about things that most closely with the environment.

Planting of new knowledge and the establishment of gender attitudes require steps which are different from other knowledge considering gender pemaknaan is a culture that was inherent in the community.

The phenomenon of gender bias can appear in the forms of inequality due to gender discrimination, such as: a. marjinalisasi (poverty), b. subordination (penomorduaan), c. view streotipe, d. violence, e. work load (Simatauw M. et al, 2001)

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