0 komentar Thursday, June 25, 2009
Abroad Department reporting (Your pigeonhole) Usa gets title Trafficking in Persons Report one that blasted off by Friday (3 / 6) at Washington by Menlu Condoleezza Rice's USA get extraordinary comment of society. That reporting establishes 14 state fail to prevent man commerces( human trafficking ), 27 clamp down deep states ACE trifling trade human, 77 states, including Indonesia, input in agglomerate state already gets effort prevent man commerce, but can't yet be said successful, and 24 category incoming states have gotten maximal efforts and categorised successful prevent man commerces. By dozens that perceive queer with write-up your ACE Pigeonhole this. Even partly look on that reporting not bases fact. A foremost columnist at Middle East, Abdurrahman Al Rasyid is its example, mensinyalir at daily most prestigious at Arabic the world, Al Sharq Al Awsat , that up to life it she never hears that its name human merchant. Well at Arabic states specially, or the world in a general way. On the contrary, in its article that gets title ‘ What between We There Is that Human trade ’ this it is bears out that aught is action deteriorate to man. As job of compulsive, wage uneven and another job. Torki Bin Mohammed Bin Saud Al Kabeer's prince, Minister representative for Politics Business at Arabic Abroad ministry Saudi also cast its dismay. Said, allegedly such a undiscovered at its state( Compass, 05 / 07 / 2005). Similar protest also hails from Depnaker Kuwait Adnan Al Omar's official. She says, kuwait's government have ala carefuling to prohibit employ purpose under age 18 years. Saudi's arab and kuwait comprises 14 reputed state unsuccessful prevent man commerce. Besides two greasy Arabic states it, still there are some another Arab state as Qatar, Sudan and Uni Is Arab Emirate. Gnostic zoomm What do be passed on by columnist upon don't every thing false. But not also undivided right. Are not the whole lot false, since its enough fact bright menjelsakan on us relate with action pejoratively assess humanitarianism. Just how a lot of action that blots humanitarianism. Beginning of bondage, racism, gender's discrimination and any other as it. Even, by dozens action on behalf humanitarianism which also sacrifies humanitarianism. atasnama's martial humanitarianism that “ berjubahkan ” democratization has pulled out thousands souls. Violence action on behalf “ human religion ” have cast down humanitarianism instinct. Are not excessive if Hayyan Al Tawhidi's Ash, a classic Islamic figure frequent one to be glamourized by kontemporer's Islam Thinker of France, Mohammad Arkoun, say, man has created about problem for another man. Are not utterly be right, since in a few real human sell case marks sense. At least, what do most load deep write-up your ACE Pigeonhole can be made as one of its example. Evenless in retarded society life education and economy ala it. Condition of this model society tend scorns man and humanitarianism. Since grasp will sanagt's man and humanitarianism ran down. And more ironical again, since this humanitarianism is sometimes victim from kecanggihan technology that is designed just to that humanitarianism is alone. Scholarship progress as current as never happens deep history universalize apparently can't yet uphold intrinsic humanitarianism. Humanitarianism that “ dituhankan ” by this scholarship just gets local character. Are not universal. Exterminating other man, to its group one that dilegalkan will. And that is that happening. Are not excessive if posmo's circle criticizes hard modernisme's product with all achievement which be reached and disinyalir after humanitarianism. Since humanitarianism that is glamourized only gets illusion character. While at more level common, scholarship role for humanitarianism it stills equitable be questioned.

Religion and humanitarianism

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Are forlorn while abusal to this humanitarianism happening while religion reaches to increase kemapanannya. Now found sparse, even unegual sekli, what does its name diklarasi or new religion decrease. Even samawi's religions, after hundreds ago century have declared for kemapanannya's zooms. Until Islam even is downed as religion of shell or penyempurna. That menunjukan that at doktrinal's level, religion has reached kemapanannya.

At least kemapanan this religion can be modelled by refers to some aught doctrine in religion. Its example islam, after its arrival have berkometmen to menghentaskan what does its name bondage. Until in many cases, Islam opens broad enough room for liberative human it. On the contrary, bondage door gets to be minimized.

In Christian we can model by that Messiah sacrifice are alone. Beliau until merelakan her to live at cross pillar to atone for man. This menunjukan kemapanan creed concerning with humanitarianism urgency. And is still a lot of another example.

Happening fact menunjukan with selfexplanatory, kemapanan is doktrinal's ala religion can't see enough. Aught doctrine need more digging up. Until kemapanan is religion experiences shift. Of doktrinal's level wend social life. Of text throne, making for problem humanitarianism that progressively complexeses.

Five Islamic states include in 14 states that disinyalir USA fails to prevent man commerce. Which is Arab Saudi, kuwait, Qatar, Sudan and Uni Is Arab Emirate. This fact point out its frail increases more digging up to Islamic teachings already perfect. Until lowered Islam after humanitarianism one will anti humanitarianism. Even enslaves man.

Humanitas is absolute Islam to be needed. Peneguhan can with two tricks. First, bearing out that back lowered Islam for human. Islamic arrival is not other to help solves various problem's kind humanitarianism. This affirmation is momentous. Since currently available terbalaik's trend; humanitarianism oftentimes sacrified by something that at laur humanitarianism. Including divinity. Until often been heard what does its name martial on behalf The Infinite.

Both of, humanitarianism reorientation. This also momentous to be borne out back. Since there is trend narrow that humanitarianism mean is alone. Until humanitarianism concept just applies for them what do one religion, one sect, seormas and another narrowing.

Islam never differentiate man. At skinned manner and its concept, man in Islamic so-called khalifatullah (The Infinite representative) at earth. Just opus, takwa and keimanan what does differentiate among one by another.

If may on the level, humanitarianism meaning narrowing this happening nearly merata in people life gets currently religion. Humanitarianism one just will apply for their group. While they is different one will be not entering deep naungan that humanitarianism.

I want to end up this simple writing with statement two figure outgrow. First of Islamic. Both of of European. Prophet has once say that deep Islamic never been differentiated among they what do of Arabic and non Arab. Among swarthy one or white even. Just fear that membadakan they. Mountsisque (1689 - 1755), incorrectly a France philosopher says, if find something that berfaidah divides me, but doesn't divide family, I try membungnya of mind. If find something that berfaidah divides family, but doesn't divide bansga, I try to forget it. And if find something that nation or Europe benefit, but doesn't divide humanitarianism, that is criminality. Classically, that is universal humanitarianism meaning that must goes on diblea and is beavered
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Prolegnas as photograph of politics sentences

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National jurisdictional system has to be built bases nation aspiration, to the effect state, jurisdictional goal, and penuntun which is contained in Pembukaaan UUD 1945; its mean may not there is law product that goes against aforesaid things. National jurisdictional system range extensive dimension one by Friedmann Disarikan into three element outgrows which is susbtansi or law contents (substance), jurisdictional structure (staructure), and law culture (culture). To work system development sentences our GBHN on Orde Baru era develop law system into four elements namely material sentences, enforcer agency sentences, medium and prasarana sentences, and law culture. 

If we want to speak system development sentence to pass through range law politics it can reach all subsystem of extensive law system. But in a general way talk about frequent law politics simplifies on materials strategical list sentence that will be made. 

Jurisdictional politics that concern material development plan sentences at Indonesia for the moment most loads in National Legislation Program (Prolegnas), its mean if we wants to know mapping or plan photograph about law what do will be made deep given periods as politics of laws therefore we can see it from Prolegnas that. Prolegnas this was arranged by DPR with Commanding one in dikoordinasikan's collation by DPR. That DPR that mengoordinasikan this Prolegnas's collation constitute logical consequence of yielding amendment is UUD first 1945 one angles angle or UU's forming emphasis of Government goes to DPR. As acknowledged as that section 20 sentences (1 ) UUD 1945 result first amend caws,  “Parliament holds power form Law.”

That Prolegnas constitutes “ container ” politics sentence (for a given time period) can be seen from UU No. 10 Years 2004 about Legislation regulation Formings that deep section 15 sentences (1 ) patternize that,  “Statute collation planning is done in one National Legislation Program.”  

Meanwhile for each region, according to section 15 sentences (2 ), patternized also to make Region Legislation Program (Prolegda) that most composes consistency among various legislation regulation of center zoom gets to region. Thus from Prolegnas this is we can see each UU's type that will be made for a given time period as politics of law. 

But has to be remembered that terminologicals UU No. 10 Year 2004 Prolegnas is not just concerning with material or regulation forming plan legislation, but moreover, prolegnas also constitute instrument that range planning mechanism sentences that always consistent with aim, penuntun, and law goal that constitutes it. Prolegnas's position as instrumental as planning sentences this most decants in section 1 number 9 UU No. 10 Year 2004 one sounds, “ Program instrumental National planning programs Law forming that arranged by ala plans, coherent, and systematics.

Thus Prolegnas can be seen both as content or law material that will be made and also as instrumental as or planning mechanism sentences. As loading as Prolegnas's law loads to register material plan sentences or BILL who will be formed deep utilised given period reach for idealistical attainment particular phase nation and to the effect state, meanwhile as instrumental as planning sentences Prolegnas determines trick and procedure who shall be sailed through that jurisdictional forming (legislation regulation) that not outward of base and tenor konstitusionalnya. Prolegnas's thus constitutes to photograph national law politics that loads about material plan and at a swoop constitute instrument (mechanism) jurisdictional makings. As material of law Prolegnas can view as plan photograph fills or substansi sentences, meanwhile as isntrumen Prolegnas gets to be viewed as by that guard that jurisdictional makings really
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Up to 20th century time range, sentence family at state mosleming to experience changing peer ala. A variety codification and unification effort continually been done ala gets apposition, along with situation requirement and condition of each state. Classic concept about gets sect that held by firmness all this time, by degrees, experience changing one. Was obviously, that renewal effort is uncommitted simultaneously. There is state which paroh is century first 20th have new's system sentences and about its invitation, including family law, but there is too a new one do renewal approximately since decade 1970 an. Every thing depends upon politics social condition each state.

    One of state which haven't so long time do renewal effort is Somalia, one that began by diundangkannya The Family Code 1975 . Previously, state that its easternmost position of that African Continent still apply traditional family law as one is brought together in fiqh's books classics, its main is Shafi's sect ‘ i.. Shafi's sect ‘ i. really dominant enough in life gets Somalia's society sect that well-nigh 100% its moslems.

    But, renewal that is done at Somalia, in temporary compiler watch, little bit more complex and unique as compared to at other states. A minimum, there is three factors that melatarbelakangi the difference that.  First , renewal effort did by state power that just establish socialism as ideology of state and gets direction to Uni Soviet to get, particularly, support and gunnery help. 
Both of, power applies authoritarian governance system militeristik. Opposition party is prohibitted and one any one that tries mengritik state policy must shortly be gutted. Have a lot of human soul that becomes strong-arm system victim that applied by this regime.  Third , formulation the Family Code 1975 , in common, have stepped out far left law order in Shafi's sect ‘ i. one followed by Somalia's society majority. On the contrary, particularly deep ruling about beneficial owner, rule in al Qur ’ an have also been been left. That is why, since its validity, this law not just after get place at heart a large part Somalia's society

Islam at Somalia

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Among Somalia's society, besides sect Syafi ‘ i., antic African common law also calculated strong enough. In a few particular problem, e.g. about inheritance, mostly Somalia's society prefers to utilize common law to weigh islamic law. It, indeed, in contrast to religion figure circle its that so strength applies islamic law, its main is Shafi's sect ‘ i.. Practically, jurisdictional system and about invitation at Somalia have at westernization by England and Italian, two European states that since pengujung century 19thing to gain control Somalia. England, e.g., apply severally law which diberlakukannya at India, one of its colonial territory. Nonetheless, privat's law, well of Islamic and also local custom, all same keberlangsungannya's maintained regular.

In common, Somalia's society really been regarded by four tarekat's flows, which is Qadiriyya, Ahmadiyya, Salihiyya and Rifa ‘ iyya. In struggle against colonist, e.g.,  its main starting motor is figures tarekat. That is why, figures tarekat becomes figures that really been respected, even kadangkala rather dikultuskan, by society most. While emerges Revivalisme's movement Radical Islam( Radical Islamic Revivalism ) that have Islamic purification mission, that its founder figure is Sayyid Mohamed Abdille Hasan (m. 1921), incorrectly a prominent tarekat Salihiyya, therefore a large part society gives strong support. 

 That ketokohan's fanaticism, bit by bit, pupus's beginning, after on 1935, formed Somaliland National Society , with Hajji Farah Omar as pioneer it. Ormas this centralize attention to modern education that adopt effloresce education system at Western. Since that time, bermunculan is ormas's sort, one for example Somali Official ’ Union  (1937) and Somali Youth League  (1943), until Somalia reaches for its independence on 1960. Since that time, Islamic id discourse in politics life, by degrees, beginning angled by socialism issue that, on decade 1960 an, its chasm really bagitu heavy duty in politicses social discourse universalize Islam. But, are not meaning society leave religion life. keberagamaan lingers and strength, and sect law rules Shafi ‘ i. constant guarded. Just only, figures its religion prefers fall in sociological social activity than dabbled deep politics jungle.

    Islamic politics id discourse gets to fade, when on 1969, Siyad Barre's major-general, Soldier field marshal and Somalia's Police Inspector, do kup d. ’ ètat  and takes over power of Shermarke's President. She proclaims Somalia's commitment to socialism that gets scientific character( scientific socialism ) and gets direction to Uni's fortification intermediate Soviet gets cold war against United States Of America. That scorpion, Uni is Soviet requires air-force base in order to expand its influence at Red Sea and Indian Ocean region. Instantly, Siyad Barre offers berbera as location of base. From it, Uni is Soviet coaches and equip Somalia's soldier in order to frees Ogaden of Ethiopian hand. While that, Siyad Barre really so ambition to render Somalia Raya's Unity State, which is with unites Ogaden, Somalia is Western, Jibuti and to his North. Ambition this is seemingly which melatarbelakangi Siyad Barre's politics policy to get direction to Uni Soviet.

Even on 1979, Avowed islam as religion official state, but while it also, Somalia is proclaimed as state socialist. One and only party which may amends be socialist party that named Somali Socialist Revolutionary Party . As one socialist, Siyad Barre tries to erase religion attribute of politics social lifes Somalia's societies. E.g., she substitutes Arab writing become latin writing and draw the line mosque activity just in ritual's religious service. ketidaksukaan Siyad Barre to Islamic issue in politicses social life menyulut damps down figure circle dislike religion to her. Beginning 1975 until 1990, hundreds religion figure becomes diktatorisme's victims Siyad Barre's governances. In brief, society perceives more safe living under English colonization and Italian to weigh Siyad Barre's dictatorship. Finally, on 1990, this regime lodgings by oposannya
read more “Islam at Somalia”


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Curriculum developing constitutes an important thing because education part of program curriculum. To the effect main it is increase education quality and is not mere just result a tutorial material. Curriculum not only notice developing and present term development but also leads attention to go to future.  
To the effect wider school education and complex because respondent do ever correspond to change. Curriculum shall ever updated in line with that change. To reach to the effect education which is established, curriculum shall be arranged strategically and formulated as particular programs. Since shall ever relevant with society change, curriculum collation shall regard various aspect kind as formative as child, scholarship developing, the need society developing and employment etcetera.

Curriculum planning shall cover severally aspect amongst those intent, material, source, teaching and learning activity and evaluation basaling to establishes curriculum. In this short paper will work through concept developing problem curriculum and relationship among formative curriculum

Learning Material classification Mathematics

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For all levels of education, the learning of mathematics include (Ebbutt and Straker, 1995):
  1. Fakca (facts), including: (1) information, 92) name, (3) term, and (4) convention heraldry
  2. Understanding (concepts) include: (1) understanding the structure, (2) understanding the role of structure, (3) various kinds of patterns, order, (4) mathematical models, (5) operation and logarithm
  3. Reasoning skills, including: (1) understand the understanding, (2) logical thinking, (3) understand the negative examples, (4) thinking deduction, (5) thinking induction, (6) to think systematically and consistently, (7) conclude, (8) determine the method and create a reason, and (9) determine the strategy
  4. Skills algorithms, including: (1) skills utnuk understand and follow the steps that made other people, (2) to design and make a step, (3) using the steps, (4) define and explain the steps so that to understand other people, (5) and compare select the step that is effective and efesien, and (6) improve the
  5. Mathematics problem solving skills (problem solving), include: (1) understand the issue, (2) to discuss alternative solutions, (3) split into the major problem of the small, (4) simplify the problem, (5) use the experience of the past and using intuition to find alternative solutions, (6) try a variety of ways, working systematically, to record what happens, check with the results repeat the steps again, and (7) try to understand the issues and complete the other.
  6. Skills investigations (investigation), including: (1) ask questions and explore how to get the answer, (2) create and test hipotesi, (3) explore and determine the appropriate information and provide an explanation why the information required, (4) collect , group, sort, sort, and compare and process information systematically, (5) to try an alternative method, (6) to recognize patterns and relationships, and (7) concluded
Understanding the explanation of the two : 1. Characteristics of substance and Mathematics school and 2. Classification of learning materials in mathematics, so be sure there must be a pattern of education with the methods that, there appears to be for this error in the way in providing the material with the traditional approach, thereby making students bored, even going in the field in general, teachers are teachers of mathematics the least preferred, frightening, and learning in mathematics lessons is the most dibensi by students, students' attitudes to what it is? This is definitely wrong.

I as a teacher of mathematics, not objections to introspection, ready to accept criticism, suggestions and advice. 
For the sake of goodness and success for students, however because we should not have akui subjects that students fear, make them bored, if it's all delivered to them with a fun way, make students motivated, tertantang to finish every time find it difficult. I as a teacher of mathematics is 22 years old, energy and torrential in their mind, but almost no change geliat sharp. 
However, after I do research with Kela action, namely the technical approach that I use and method of delivery, so make happy students learn mathematics, not create more fear in the students learning mathematics, and vice versa, kerasan students feel happy and at the teachers who give lessons mathematics
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Mathematics as activity of trouble-shooting (problem solving)

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Implication of this view to mathematics learning is learn to need :
  1. Provide environmentally mathematics studying that stimulate to arise it mathematics problem, 
  2. Help student to think out mathematics utilize its own trick, 
  3. Help student to know information required just for think out mathematics, 
  4. Push students for bethink logical, consistence, systematics and develops documentation system / note, 
  5. Develop abilities and skills to think out, (60 help student to know how and kapanmenggunakan a variety display tool / mathematics education medias as: meter, ruler, calculator, etcetera.
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Mathematics as creativity that requires imagination, intuition and find

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Implication of this view to mathematics learning is learn to need: (1 ) push student initiative and give chance bethink different, (2 ) push inquiring tastes, wish asks, ability expostulates and ability estimate, (3 ) cast invented estimate openair ones as thing that useful than looking on its as fault, (4 ) push student to price the other student finds, (5 ) push student bethink reflections, and (6 ) not suggest just utilize one method just. 
read more “Mathematics as creativity that requires imagination, intuition and find”

Mathematics as penelusuran's activity patterns and relationship

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Implication of this view to mathematics learning is learn to need: (1 ) give chances to students to do find activity and pattern enquiry to determine relationships, (2 ) give chances to students to do attempts variously, (3 ) push students to find mark sense thread, distinctive, compare, agglomeration, etcetera, (4 ) push student to glean from commons, (5 ) help student to understand and find relationships among savvy one by another one.
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Leadership behavior of Kiai

0 komentar Wednesday, June 24, 2009
In relation to the behavior that appear on the leaders themselves, it is not apart from nature which is owned by the leader. Because of the nature and behavior inherent in a leader can not be separated. Thus the behavior of leaders learn synonymous with learning attributes that should be owned by the psychology and specialist organization in the way of leadership characteristics to identify the nature or characteristics of successful leaders.

In the view of Islam on the existence of a leader of a group or organization's legal obligation, as word of Rasulullah SAW.; "If three people walking in a way, lift one of them as leaders." (H. David R. Abu). Furthermore, in another narration Rasulullah SAW. Remind "There was a priest (leader) in or out except for prayer followed." In Q.S. An-Nisaa: 59 commandments to obey and comply with the imam (leader) stated explicitly;

يأيها الذين آمنوا أطيعوا الله وأطيعوا الرسول وأولي الأمر منكم

"O those who believe, obey Allah and the Messenger ta'atilah (His), and ulil Amri (leader) of you."

Obligation to obey and obey the leaders in the eyes of Islam because he is the chosen people have with nature is commendable (Akhlaqul Karimah). Thus, a leader in the process of leadership is of the view of God and the people (who dipimpinnya). Leaders must have a high responsibility, both before God and before men. Responsibility of leadership so that it can run well, then he must have attributes that commendable. Rasulullah SAW. lead man with a noble nature, so nature kepemimpinannnya to become a reference for every leader, especially for Muslims and Grace become as natural to all be in the QS Al-Anbiya: 107)

وما أرسلناك الآ رحمة للعالمين

"And we have not (Muhammad) but to be a mercy to the worlds."

The nature of leadership that he is very famous (1) Shidiq (right), (2) Tabligh (delivered), (3) Amanah (trustworthy / honest), (4) Fathonah (intelligent). More than the success of the leadership he is because he has a commendable akhlaq (akhlaqul Karimah).

Four nature of leadership he can be understood with the context of a broader understanding. But the general nature of the four who will deliver it to the success of his leadership in the running wheel. Relation to the progress and changes that occur in the community sekaranmg this, the nature of leadership in the Kiai persantren or other formal leaders have a heavy burden. Thus a leader must have the advantages in science, mental endurance and physical stamina.

According to Imam Moedjiono (2002: 61-67) that the nature of-merit that should be owned by a leader based on the perspective of al-Qur'an covers;
  1. Bepengetahuan knowledgeable, creative initiatives, sensitive, capacious chest, and always responsive. View Q.S. Al-Mujadalah: 11,
  2. Act fair, honest and consistent, referring to al-Qur'an Surat An-Nissa: 58,
  3. Responsible see Q.S. Al-An'am: 164,
  4. Selective information to them, Al-Hujurat paragraph 16,
  5. Always give a warning, Qur'an Adz-Mail Dzariyat paragraph 55,
  6. Able to give instructions and guidance, Q.S. As-Sajadah: 24,
  7. Like consulting, Q.S. Ali Imran: 159,
  8. Istiqamah and the firm establishment, Q.S. Al-Ahqaf: 13,
  9. Happy to do good, Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 195,
  10. Always wish alleviate the burden of other people, soft against the believers, QS At-Taubah: 128,
  11. Creative and Tawakal, Q.S. Al-Qashash: 77,
  12. mempuniai Competitive spirit, Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 148,
  13. Estetik, and a good berkepribadian rapih, QS Al-'Araf: 31,
  14. Always harmonious and proportional in the act, QS Al-Baqarah: 190,
  15. Disciplined and productive, Q.S. Al-'Ashr.
Attributes mentioned above, it may not be owned by each oileh perfect leader, but leaders who are appointed and defined directly by Allah SWT. As the Apostles and the Prophets. Reality, not a few leaders who have a weakness and lack. However, the more we understand and comprehend the nature of leadership siafat-a laudable, the introspective dapatlah leaders strive to improve and scrape out the weakness and lack of on himself. Honest desire to improve yourself for a leader is important not to neglect in the running of the mandate dipikuilnya. As a leader he was living under the supervision of God and man. All is said or done is not a leader apart from the observation that examined carefully to God and men around him. Actions and behavior and words contain a message, the meaning, or to teach and pass nature to do something or not
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Leadership behavior and character of Kiai

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Kiai in pesantren leadership to uphold the values that are noble in the mind behave, act and develop the pesantren. Values into sterling Kiai confidence in his life. So if in the lead against boarding or deviate from the noble values that diyakininya, directly and indirectly to the public trust or boarding Kiai akan pale. Indeed, because the noble values that Kiai or believed to be Muslims ruh (strength), which is believed to grace and mercy of Allah SWT.

In view of Islamic values is the noble faith, Islam and Ihsan. Each embraces Islam to know with certainty that Islam is not valid without faith, and faith is not perfect without Ihsan. Instead, Ihsan is impossible without faith, and faith is also not possible without the initials of Islam. (Nurcholis Madjid, 1995: 463).

Third word of each other co-exist, and must reside in a Muslim. Muslim who can practice the noble values of Islam is sincere. So there is faith in Islam and Ihsan, Ihsan in Islam and there is faith. If you can ditasybihkan (dianalogikan), Ihsan is Estetika of a building with pancangan pillar of Islamic faith and the solid wall, so that the shape of a perfect, strong and solid, beautiful and delicious  seen. Rasulullah SAW. Ihsan portray the grace and sharpness of mind so that it does not have a divider between Abdi Khaliknya with God, as sabdanya:

الإحسان هو أن تعبد الله كأنك تراه فإن لم تكن تراه فانه يراك

"Ihsan is to worship Allah, you seems to see you, when you can not see Allah melihatmu".
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Switching System Leadership in the Pesantren

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Estafeta change of leadership in the Pesantren usually hereditary from founder to son to son to grandchildren or to a senior santri. This means that the heir is a child's first man-lai, a senior and is considered suitable by Kiai and the community to become Kiai, both in terms of kealimannya (morality / morals) as well as in terms of the depth of religious knowledge. If this is not possible, for example, because the founder does not have a son who is suitable to replace it, then the heir is the second daughter, then as the heir is the third grandchild. If everything is not possible, then it is likely followed by former senior santri.

According to the author that the sparing of the leadership system in the following boarding kinship theory (kinship), it can be seen from the characteristics-characteristics as disclosed by Koentjaraningrat (1981: 109)

"kinship group that the individual is a unity that is bound by six elements. First, the system of norms that set the behavior of groups. Second, the sense of the personality groups that were by all citizens. Third, the activities of citizen-gathered group of citizens of the back. Fourth, the system of rights and obligations of the interaction between citizens groups. Fifth, the management or leadership mengorganiasikan the activities of the group. Sixth, the system of rights and obligations for the individual against a number of pro-duktif property, consumer wealth, inheritance or a ".

Pesantren leadership succession, as described above, does not only apply to the boarding experience as a foundation, but also apply to boarding-boarding as a private. Although officially there are provisions that the heir to the founder does not itself become a substitute.
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Leadership in the dynamics of Kiai Pesantren

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The word "dynamics" to the circumstances change that fluaktuasi or tidal, and depict the activities and social system that does not move towards a static change (Hollander, 1978: 151). Refer to the dynamics of these changes that occur due to internal pressure and external needs. Group dynamics, for example, as stated by Salamet Santosa (2004: 5) that the dynamics is understood as the behavior of one directly affect the citizens of the other reciprocal back, he mengartikanya as interdepensi and the interaction between members of a group with other group members who are reciprocal back and between the members of the group as a whole. This is because there are groups, group spirit (spirit gruop) continue to be in that group. Therefore, the groups are dynamic, meaning each time a group that may be changing. Hellriegel (1989: 356-357) mentions as the dynamics of the influence of design characteristics and environmental organizations.

God created man and menetukan kodratnya groups should live in order to know each other and lack the advantages of each other to build and enliven the world, as stated in Q. S. 49: 13;

"O mankind We created you from male and female, and We make you selakian tribes and nation-tribe-nations to know each other-to know (and lack of excess of each other). Verily the most honorable among you in the sight of God is the most bertaqwa of you. Allah is Knower, Aware, Aware. "

With the shortage and excess of the self and other people there were social interaction among men to meet the needs of himself and the group.

A psychology expert and leading to the famous theory of basic human needs, human mempuniai revealed that the five basic needs, namely:
  1. Physiological needs (fa'ali). Physiological needs (physiological needs), needs are related directly to human survival, so pemuasannya can not be delayed. This basic biological needs are the needs include food, drink, oxygen, rest, active, and balance termperetur sexual stimulation sensorik. Maslow from here then a conclusion that the physiological needs of man, the main needs of food, are important aspects in understanding the human being as a whole.
  2. The need for security and safety. (need for self-security), is a basic necessity and dominate both the need pemuasan after physiological needs met. The things that go in to the need for security are: security, stability, dependency, protection, free from fear, worry and fear, the need for structure, order, legal, limits, on the strength of self-protective and other -other. Because of the need for security may include all the organisms in pemenuhannya. All things rise and receive the effect, and the capacity-capacity is a tool of security needs.
  3. The need for love and have a (need for love and belongingness), is a stimulus in which an individual wishes to establish an effective relasional or emotional relationships with other individuals, both within the family environment and outside the family. Maslow conception of love and have this very different from the conception psikoanalisis that the root of feelings of love and sexuality have is. For maslow, feelings of love and have not only driven by the needs of sexuality. But more motivated by the need for affection. Semakna with the definition of love is presented by Karl Roger, that is love, "to understand the situation in depth and receive whole-hearted." The need for love is very vital for the growth and development of the ability of a person. If the demand is not met it will be obstructed or may cause incorrect adjustment. Thirst is the love of disease because of lack of.
  4. Akan self needs (need for self-esteem) comes from two things, first, the desire akan strength, achievement, adequacy, benefits, capabilities, and confidence; Second, a good reputation, prestige, prestige, status, the truth and glory, dominance , recognition, attention, importance, dignity, or apriasi. That the first comes from the self, and the second comes from other people. Someone who has enough self-confidence will have a higher and more productive. Meanwhile, people who have less self-covered akan inferiority complex and does not feel powerless, that result in discouragement and neurotick behavior.
  5. The need for self-actualization. Encouragement for self-actualization is not the same as the impetus for the show itself, or the desire to get the achievement or prestige, because if so, in fact he has not reached self-actualization level. He is still influenced by something or a certain tendency. Self-actualization is done without any tendency. He only wants to be himself, not the other. While this can be beginning or fulfillment is based on the level underneath. Recognized by Maslow, that to achieve self-actualization level, someone will be presented on the many obstacles, both internal and external. Internal constraints, ie, that came from himself., Such as ignorance akan potential self doubt and feelings of fear to reveal the potential, so the potential is so hidden (Muhammad Hasyim, 2002: 70-80).
For individuals who are part of the leadership group and as a pesantren, Kiai presumably the hard pull to the needs of the five above, it can be believed that social interaction in the middle of the community will encourage the change in the thinking and actions, giving color and changes in the organization that dipimpinnya .

In the process of social interaction there are several factors that influence and participate in determining success or not these interactions. These factors are:
  1. The nature of the social situation. In any social situation that gives form to the behavior of individuals who are in a situation.
  2. The norms prevailing in any given social group. The power of norms are very influential group of the occurrence of social interaction between individuals.
  3. Their own personality trends. Each individual has a personality so that the purpose of affecting lakunya whim.
  4. A person's transitory tendencies. Individuals interact in accordance with the position and condition that is temporary.
  5. The process of perceiving and interpreting a situation. Each situation means for each individual so that it affects the individual to see and interpret situations. (Slamet Santosa, 2004: 12).
From the description above can be taken that the meaning of Leadership Dynamics in Kiai Pesantren, adalalah struggle movement that encourages the change of attitude that made deliberately, planned by Kiai to give the color and then changes in the pesantren. Dynamics appear as the needs of internal pressure and external boarding as well as educational institutions and religious institutions is the social impact of the interaction as a top leader Kiai boarding.
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Kiai typology and rank in the Pesantren

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Prior to decipher the position (of leadership) Kiai in the pesantren, first author describe the Kiai. The word "Kiai" is derived from the ancient language jawa "kiya-kiya" means a person who respected. Sedangkang in pemakaiannya used to: first, objects or animals that dikeramatkan, such as Kiai Plered (spear), and Kiai Kiai Rebo Wage (elephant in the zoo shop Gembira Yogyakarta), both parents in general, third, people who have expertise in Religion Islam, who taught at Pesantren santri. While the terminologis according to Manfred Ziemnek understanding Kiai is "the founder and leader of a Muslim boarding as a" civility "has dedicate his life" for the sake of God "and the distribution and deep teachings and views of Islam through Islamic education activities. However, in general, people in the word" Kiai "disejajarkan does with Islamic scholars in the treasury. (Moch. Eksan, 2000).

Abdurrahman Mas'ud (2004, 236-237) to enter into a five-Kiai typology:
  1. Kiai (ulama) encyclopedi and multidisipliner the mengonsentrasikan themselves in the world of science, learning, teaching and writing, producing many books, such as Nawai al-Bantani.
  2. Kiai experts who specialize in one field of knowledge of Islam. Because of their expertise in various fields of science, they are sometimes called boarding in accordance with their specialization, such as pesantren al-Qur'an.
  3. Kiai charismatic that karismanya of religious knowledge, especially from sufismenya, such as the KH. Kholil Bangkalan Madura.
  4. Kiai Dai around, the more attention and involvement of the lectures delivered in the form of knowledge as the interaction with the public together with the mission sunnisme or aswaja with language retorikal effective.
  5. Kiai movement, because the role of leadership and skill of extremes, both in society and the establishment of the organization, and the depth of religious knowledge which has, thus become the most prominent leaders, such as the KH. Hasyim Asy'ari.
From the results of the research done by the boarding LP3ES years 1972-1973 in the Bogor area, showing some of the findings, including that of leadership held by the formal boarding a Kiai. Advance or retreat a boarding depends on the credibility and moral kiainya managerial ability. In general, in the boarding kepemimpimpian follow charismatic leadership, leadership does not follow rational. (Sudjoko Prasodjo, 1975).

According to Abdul-Rozaki (2004, 87-88) karisma the Kiai is one of the strengths that can create the effect in communities. There are two dimensions that need to be. First, charisma earned by someone (Kiai) are given, sperti large body, a loud voice and a sharp eye and the genealogis ties with Kiai karismaik before. Second, charisma earned through ability in pengausaan of religious knowledge and morality, along with the righteous personality, loyalty and help the community.

Kiai leadership position in the boarding more emphasis on aspects of the ownership shares of pesantren and the depth of morality and theology, and often ignore the managerial aspects. Generality Kiai is not only a leader but also as owners persantren. Kiai position as the leader santri in all things, which in turn generate Kiai role as researchers, filter and eventually similator aspects of culture from the outside, in a situation like that in itself put the Kiai as cultural brokers (agents culture). (Dawam Rahajo, 1995: 46-47).
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The concept of Gender

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The term Gender removed by social scientists to explain the differences of women and men as a gift of God's creation and which is the formation of cultural dikonstruksikan, learned and socialized. This distinction is important because during this time we often confound human characteristics that are kodrati and does not change, with human characteristics that are the actual nonkodrati may change or be changed. In other words, society does not actually distinguish which sex (nature) and which gender.
Planting is done as the concept of gender is also a knowledge of attitudes. So that gendering is a social-psychological construction means that the historical and cultural. Therefore, in implementing the gender of teaching materials for students of necessary knowledge is presented and attitudes about things that most closely with the environment.

Planting of new knowledge and the establishment of gender attitudes require steps which are different from other knowledge considering gender pemaknaan is a culture that was inherent in the community.

The phenomenon of gender bias can appear in the forms of inequality due to gender discrimination, such as: a. marjinalisasi (poverty), b. subordination (penomorduaan), c. view streotipe, d. violence, e. work load (Simatauw M. et al, 2001)
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Health in the Islamic Part II

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World Health Organization (WHO) provides the definition of health that is "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of desease or infirmity" which means "health is a state of the perfect body, if ( mental) and social, and not just circumstances that are free from disease, disability, and frailty. "

From the above it can be concluded that human health from three (3) elements, namely: (1) elements of the body (physical), (2) mental elements (people), and (3) elements of social life that is reflected in the day-to-mesyarakat day.

Said if the body healthy physical condition (anatomical) and function (physiological) networks or organs in a normal situation. Soul (mental) someone said, if someone is able to set options or objectives and the ability menyerasikannya with himself, while health is a social perikehidupan in the community so that each individual (private) have the ability to maintain and promote the life of themselves, their families, and communities in around them.

II. Factors affecting health
Someone's health can be affected by several factors, among others: (1) environmental factors, (2) behavioral factors, (3) factors of health services, (4) factors offspring.

Environmental factors is one important factor in the impact on health seseoramg. Environmental factors include physical linkungan, bilogik, social and cultural. Example the influence of environment on health someone, if someone is living in a very bad place, then the environment will affect the disease suffered by some people, such as: skin disease, an infection of worms, and so forth.

Impact on the behavior of factors influence the life of someone in the neighborhood. This is influenced by the habits of living day-to-day, local customs, religious views, the level of intellectual and socio-economic level someone is.

The health service is also part of the health masyarakat.Upaya felt that health services include: promotional, preventive, kualitif, curative, and rehabilitative.

Factors associated with the descendants of the large population, high population growth, population distribution, population distribution and the descendants of the disease (which is revealed through the genre), such as diabetes, high blood, asthma, and mental illness.

III. Islam views on illness

Everything in the universe, including all kinds of diseases and drugs penangkalnya created by Allah SWT. As in the word Allah SWT. sabda the Prophet and the following:

This means: "And Allah is powerful over all things." (Ali Imran: 189)

فا ن الله لم يضح داع الاوضح له شفاع غيرداعواحدوهوالهرم (رواه البخارى ومسلم)

This means: "Allah does not decrease the disease down but also medicine, except for one disease, namely old disease." (Bukhari Muslim HR.).

In Islam it is divided into two major groups, including heart or liver disease called "Qolbun Maridh" disease and the body which is called "Jismun Maridh".

A. Kalbu disease (Qolbun Maridh)
According to Imam al-Ghazali, heart (heart) in the sense of the fact that fine man who can capture all the understanding, knowledge, and wisdom. Qalbu determine good and bad behavior of someone. Sabda the Prophet. As follows:

الاوان فىالجسد مضغة اذاصلح الحسد كله واذافسدت فسدالحسد كله الاوهىالقلب (رواهالبخرى ومسلم)

This means: "Remember, that this body there are segumpal blood, when he was good then okay entire body, and when it is broken then the whole body rusaklah. Remember, that it is the mind. " (Bukhari Muslim HR.).
Mind that sickness is the source of the problem and the starting point of damage on the earth, both the damage menusia itself and damage in the surrounding nature. Different types of heart disease is often mentioned in the Qur'an are:
1. Envy (jealous / envy)
A feeling that there is a feeling in the heart is not happy when there is someone to receive grace from God, both favor versatility, power, wealth or beauty of form of property, along with efforts to favor the move to himself
2. Hirsh (greedy / covetous)
A desire to get things over, what had felt less, so try to get a more up to God and forget the road that is not good
3. Haughty (proud / cocky / arrogant)
Be proud of themselves excessive. Can feel himself the most, and so clever to forget with all kekurangannya and assume others contemptible and low
4. Kadzdzab (lie / fabrication)
Desire in the form of a promise, a false oath, distort the facts with the purpose of seeking its own advantage
5. Su'udhhan (ugly prejudices)
The form of suspicions over to other people, bahea think someone is doing it's ugly acts against himself
6. Riya '
Praised the form of desire, and disanjung valued by others. Good deeds that he did not merely because God, but because you want to get a compliment from a fellow human
7. Revenge
A feeling / desire to reply to other people who do not have either to himself, and desires can not be lost before it can respond

B. Diseases Board (Jismun Maridh)
Sick body is a situation where the condition of the body of someone not in normal circumstances, good body organs or organ function itself. Pain according to the views of Islam can be seen from the two (2) the point of view, namely: (1) the point of view of nation, (2) the point of view of law as a result.

1. From a nation
From a nation, that disease can befall someone katergori be grouped into two namely:

a. Sick as a test from God
Human beings as God will not be a trial, irrespective of the name. Trial might be illness, disability, lack of wealth, hunger, and suffering of other life. All trial, as a verification of a person before Allah SWT, who courageously and patiently accept the exam and who lie and refuse. Described in the word of God:

Surat al-Baqarah: 155

This means: "And indeed We will give a trial to you, with something of fear, hunger, lack of wealth, lives and fruits. And give glad tidings to those who are patient. "

All the suffering, distress and pain is a test from Allah SWT. therefore be patient and people are required to receive the test in the gritty, and always ask to God so that we can test it with the heart that receive Ikhlash.
Sabda also described in the Messenger of Allah:

واناللهتعالىاذااحبقوماابتلىهمفمنرضىفلهالرضافمنسخطفلهالسخط (رواهابنماجهوالترمنى)

This means: "And verily, if Allah SWT. love the one, with various dicobanya trial. Ridha who receive them, Allah akan meridhainya. And whoever wrath, God will be angry "(HR. Ibn Majah and Tirmidzi)

b. Sick as a punishment from God
Zhalim any act or disbelieve in Allah, surely Allah dibalas by either directly (when living in the world) and not directly (in the grave nature and natural life of the Hereafter). Punishment of life in the world can be a humiliation, distress, pain, and various natural. Described in the Word of Allah SWT. below.
Surat al-Baqarah: 59

This means: "And those who do wrong to replace the command with (a) that was not to them. Therefore we seize upon those who do wrong from the sky, because they transgress. "

History has proven, how many people who have disobeyed Allah SWT destroyed., As diterankan in his following words:
Surat al-A'raf: 4
This means: "How many countries that have We destroyed, so Our punishment came (overwrite the population) in its time they were in the night, or in their time of rest in the middle of day."

2. From the legal point of view due
In al-Qur'an that there be a result of the incident is a reason. Therefore, each occurrence is, look what the cause. Can be seen on the word Allah SWT. following:
Surat al-Kahfi: 84
This means: "Verily, We gave him power in the (face) the earth, and we have to give way to him (for) everything."

Surat al-Kahfi: 85
This means, "then he followed a way."

Berdasarkanp medical science research and some explanation is in al-Qur'an and al-Hadith, the causes of disease can be grouped into three (3) of the following:
1. Ulah sick because of human
The fact indicates that the damage to the environment because many people act, giving rise to various kinds of disasters, natural and disease. Described da; lam says he
Surat Ar-Rum: 41

This means: "The visible damage on land and at sea caused by the act manusi hand, God supay feel part of them (due to) their deeds, so that they will return (to the right).

Asy-mail Syuraa: 30

This means: "And what is natural then you overwrite is caused by their own hands, and God forgive most (from the error-kesalahanmu).

2. Illness because sorcery
Magic or fortune-telling is a kind of knowledge that can make people sick. The existence of this knowledge is also recognized in Islam. As Allah SWT says. following:
Letters Thaha: 69

This means: "Throw that which is in the right, he would swallow akan what they do. "Indeed, what they do is devised mage (pure). And will not win the magician, from wherever it comes."

Magic acts, including one of the acts prohibited in Islam. As sabda Prophet. following:

اجتنبواالسبعالموبقات الشرك بالله ولسحروقتل النفس التى حرمالله الابلحق (رواهالبخارى)

This means: "7 things you Jauhilah the damage, namely: menyekutukan God, conjure, killing someone who mengharamkannya God except the truth ... ... ... .... Ff "(Bukhari HR.)

3. Sick because the disease
Medical science now explain, that the incidence of disease in the human body is due to a disruption of the balance:
a. Host
Ie factors that are in themselves so that people themselves can cause diseases such as nutrition, children, age level etc..
b. Agent
Factor that is affected by the disease environment of abiotik (dead objects) such as sharp objects, poison, chemical substances etc..
c. Environment.
Factors of disease that is arising with the object of a abiotik (living things) around the human, such as: bacteria, viruses, etc..

C. Systems Medicine
In the antiquity, the system of medical treatment becara not known as current, but all the ditimbul certainly have a solution in it. Treatment system is carried out according to the Prophet history have 3 (three) ways, namely: (1) how natural treatment, (2) ways of spirituality (Ruqiyyah), and (3) how kombiansi (merging).

1. How natural treatment

الشفاء فى ثلاث شربة عسل وشرطة محجم وكية نارواناانهىا متى عن الکتى (رواہ البخارى)
This means: "Medicine is there are three kinds of honey to drink, with the surgical scalpel (hijamah) and heating with fire, and the treatment I Disallow people with kai (hot iron)" (Bukhari HR.)

2. How spiritual treatment (Ruqiyyah)
Medicine Ruqiyyah way is the way to the treatment of a disease is melafazkan do'a both from al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah to cure a disease. Be the word of God in the following:

Surat Al-Isra ': 82
This means: "And We send down from the Al Quran to be a bidder and a mercy for those who believe in the Quran and Al did not add to people who do wrong other than the loss.

Also be explained in several hadith about how some Ruqiyyah treatment of:

عنعلى بن ابى طالب قال. قال رسولالله صلىاللهعليه وسلمخيرالدواءالقران (رواه ابن ماجه)

This means: "From Ali bin Abi Talib, he said:" Rasulullah SAW. He said: "The best treatment is (a) Al-Qur'an." (HR. Ibn Majah)

عن ابى حزامة قال. قلت يارسولالله ارايت رقى نسترقيها ودواءنتدا واىبه وتقاة نتقيها 0 هل تردمن قدرالله شيأ فقال هى منقد رالله (رواه أحمدوالترمذى)

This means: "From Abu Khuzamah, he said:" I said: O Messenger of Allah! What about melafazkan word do'a ask for healing (Ruqiyyah), we bacakan ruqiyyah about that and we use the drugs to treat the disease and about the words do'a ask for the protection / maintenance (taqiyyah), and that we bacakan taqiyyah ? Does not it mean decline taqdir (provision) of God? "Then the prophet SAW. Said: "It also includes taqdir God. ". (HR. Ahmad and Turmudzi)

Also described in the book of al - Adzkar page: 90

قال السيد الجليل صاحب الکرامات والمعارف . والمواهب واللطائف . ابراهيم الخوص رضي الله عنه دواء القلب خمسة اشياء قراءة القران بالتذبر . وخلاء البطن. وقيام الليل . ولمتضرع عندالسحر . ومجالسة الصالحيفن

This means: "that the drug's liver disease is five (5), namely: to read the Qur'an al-m, rnghayati means clear stomach (fasting), wake up the night (of worship), nights dzikir (juxtapose themselves to Allah) on the third night, or are gathered with the people or good people sholeh.

3. How treatment combination / merger
It is a way how to combine medication with natural methods in a way ruqiyyah. A disease other than try to be cured with natural ways such as drinking honey and so forth, is also accompanied by the offset and reading verses from the do'a al-Qur'an in the hope that more can menyembhkan disease more quickly
read more “Health in the Islamic Part II”

Health in the Islamic

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Islam is the religion of the past that is revealed by Allah SWT. for the sake of all mankind until the end of time, so that Islam is a religion that most perfect of all the guidelines, laws, and regulations regarding the life of mankind which is very broad and complex.
All life in this world is always involved in the reciprocal relationship of mutual back-crochet hook and no one thing is that God created futile without the benefit a bit. (Surat Ali 'Imran: 191). With human sentarl and as a starting point as being the most perfect (Surat Al-Isra ': 70, At-Tin: 4) and being given a mandate by God to manage the earth with all its contents (Surat Al-Baqarah: 30, An-Naml : 62), then set the order islam human relations into 4 (four) system, namely:
1. Hablun minallah, the relationship with the man who created Allah SWT
2. Hablun minannas, the relationship among human
3. Hablun minal 'nature of human relationships denagan natural surrounding
4. Hablun minannafs, the relationship with the man himself.
Thus, the discussion of the problem in every health, population, environment and development related akan while the fourth system, because in the bottom fourth system is a series that integrates itself in every private man, which in Islam is called "SUNNATULLAH".
Efforts to health, population and development is essentially an effort intended to improve, maintain and restore health and welfare of a person or community as well as prevent and combat the disease, so that they can live optimally.
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0 komentar Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Both the birth of "nation state" in the mid 20th century and encouraged the development of the national government during the New Order period stimulated the growth of structure and function theori Parsons. Not only pragmatik (non-dynamic) that point because the objective is economic growth, but also cover less social change and conflict. Changes in the social structure in Indonesia akan actually started in 1960 with the Agrarian set, but it stops (1965) and then andalannya is the middle klas. Klas often said that the middle is a prerequisite for democracy and economic growth.

Dialectics in the community that has the potential for conflict between centralism and political currents that the freedom of youth depression, the crisis burst in 1997 and 1998 reforms to shake up public joint-joints. Symptoms that were previously latent, now the People's attention, and various elite became an important factor in business mecapai new national consensus.

Given the issues mentioned above, felt that the book P. Sorokin (1928) "Contemporary Sociological Theories" has been expanded with the theori-theori already integrate several more branches of social sciences. Pertautan between aspects of psychology, for example can be found in the R. Presthus (1962) and D. Riesman et al. (1961). K. Boulding (1962) a professor of economic theory, adding the conflict and enrich theori of classical (Marx, Simel, Coser). Also closely related to the symptoms that we experienced since 1998 is Reformation books C. Wright Mills (2959 and 1963).

Analysis-analysis experts above indicates the importance of the social dynamics of modern society in a more enrich our imagination sociology. So in the United States after T. Parsons-sect sect arose Sociology young better understand the importance of symptom change and social conflict, and in sparing the author is more a tradition inherited from the European Sociology.

This is justified by a. Gouldner who write and concluded that "Academic Sociology increasingly involved with the analysis of K. Marx, for example in the United States so that the cause of movement "New Left" against the Establishment, or in Europe (Germany) "The Red" with the young leaders Beader Meinhof. Prd in Indonesia may be able diketegorikan rebellion in the young generation like that, that is saturated with elite New Order in Japan also have similar movements.

Rebellion against tradition and thought generation "ARRIVE" the old-fashioned by the younger generation will always arise in human society as happened in 1945, briefly in 1965 and nowadays since 1998. In a pure sense is a general paradigm adopted in Indonesia Sociology graduates need to change. If the New Order Zaman difficult to analyze the phenomenon of open conflict and social stratification between Klas, is now more acceptable, because the symptoms are there even since the era of colonialism.

Feudal structure of the flake and eksploatasi clearly already have. So need to reorientasi sociology Sociology and many scientists consider cedekiawan the development of culture because of the situation has changed. Challenges not only in the country, but also at the same time in our relationship with the state and nation, not just the geographical become our neighbors, but also with countries sebenua, even in another continent.

Of social actors are not only more "nation state" but a community or state across the nation who are nation-state boundaries. -Sect religious sect into one of the clear illustrations, but also "to support conservation of nature and environment, and the struggle for the" Human Rights "and" Gender "can be understood as a community which is the major feature of the Global. Sociology can no longer survive by limiting the self-learning with the "residual social elements like never initiated by French scholars Saint Simon in the early 19th century. This is the reason why you need to have reorientasi Sociology in Indonesia; not the economy that will survive as "The Queen of the Social Sciences", but extend the hand of the sociology of science branches Social Humanism and others to analyze and solve problems in an integrated society.
1. BOUMAN, P.J. (1976). Sosiologi, Pengertian dan masalah. Yogyakarta, Penerbit Yayasan Kanisius. COSER, L. (1964).
2. The Function of Social Conflict. New York, The Free Press. DURKHEIM, E. (1966).
3. The Division of Labour (Translation). New York, The Free Press. HINDESS, Barry (ed. 1977). Sociological theories of the Economy. London, the Mac Millan Press.