Philosophy is thinking, meanwhile knowledge is ‘ level with another ’. Its is easily, knowledge philosophy is thinking about truth. What right it is right? If it is right therefore get what rate its truth.? Do criteria level with another that? Whereabouts that truth authority? And what levels with another it immortal..?
To the effect philosophy and knowledge namely same looks for truth. Just just philosophy not stops on one lining levels with another, but wants continually look for truth both of, third and so on until nothing left its energy.
Meanwhile knowledge sometime have perceived adequately pleased with one truth and if that knowledge disuntik with alias thinking philosophy therefore it cannikin gets ahead motion to look for truth the other again.
That philosophy energy and knowledge supposing that electric engine example. If energy was supplied to go to turbine machine, therefore machine will work to result setrum who is used to turn the light on one emits light.
Philosophy and shoulder knowledge shoulders to carry truth, but truth philosophy and truth knowledge is still to even make a abode gets relative character as process that never is finished.
Fathom a meaning, bahwa levels with another that got by dan 's philosophy tak 's knowledge pernah selesai dan goes on proceeds and as, one that in law dialektika (Thesis, Antithesis, Sinthesis) and so on as sign as that man, its thinking and its creature gets relative character. Meanwhile that truth is alone identic with Creator truth. Therefore, one that Correctness Mighty only SWT'S Allah (QS 34: 48)
Dalm illuminasi's philosophy , "God are this cosmos are Light Source, one that from it forms self which beradiasi emits a light that pulls back all form, and while no again the world privasi, non form, and bersanding's darkness with sin. According to epistimologi illuminasi, acquired science while the coast is clear among both. And only by just after, subject knows to get catches esensi object" (Ziai, 1998: 13)
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