A guards Islamic thinker front from Maroko, Dr. is Abid Al Jabiri's Muhammad, calling Islamic civilization as fikih's civilization( Takwîn Al ‘ Akl Al ‘ Arabi , thing. 96). This statement of course is not sheer figment. At least if is sighted of three following things; first , fikih really close to Islam people. Can be ensured at any given Islamic people house is gotten what does its name fikih's book. fikih's book looking on to dish suguhan saji's ready.
Both of , fikih becomes life guidance. In each about problem aught, Islamic people does ever utilize fikih's perspective. Third , fikih constitutes one of keislaman's knowledge inheritance most rich. Available such a degree hundred, or even thousands, fikih's book. As it were also available so much ulama fikih. Even, each city has fikih its own. Madinah, Bashrah, kufah, Baghdad, Andalusia, Egypt and another one well known as city fikih on its term.
fikih's flows upon can be simplified as two categories. Which is flow tekstualis and rasionalis's flow. tekstualis's flow gets to center at Madinah or Hijaz by features Malik's Priest, Syafi's priest ’ i. and Ahmad Bin Hanbal's Priest as figure of front guards. Meanwhile rasionalis's flow gets to center at Bashrah and other Iraq cities in a general way with feature Hanifah's Ash Priest as figure of main.
tekstualis's streaming major power is text. Well text in mean al-quran, Hadis, or talk even Prophet best friend. It can be understood, remembering Madinah's city, tekstualis's streaming center, constitute “ text palace ”. At this Prophet city, partly sentence al-quran is downed. And at this city too, talk, conduct, and kick up dashes against Prophet in common recorded with very clear. Most even more with many its best friends which gets residence at city most clean both of that Mekkah's afters. Best friends such as ribbon which record “ kick up dashes against ” al-quran and Hadis at this city with perfect enough.
There is flow even rasionalis makes mind as major power them. This flow gets center at Iraq and metropolises over there in a general way. Of intelectual facet, Iraq really don't defeat from Madinah and city is known any other that time. But of keislaman's text facet, Its nothing iraq than that Prophet city. Madinah “ gets to bath ” text, meanwhile Iraq “ dry ” of text. Madinah spangled with best friends, meanwhile Iraq just is visitted a portion Prophet best friend little. That even at latter term, which is at Utsman's power term (drd power in Islamic) while is beliau void caliph policy both of (Umar bin Khattab) one that forbidden Prophet best friend in order not to comes out from Madinah's city.
While keislaman's texts circumscribed, a variety kind about problem continually piles at Iraq. That problem one will don't understand Iraq condition that “ text crisis ”. From here then, ulama Iraq utilizes to try a fall mind / rationalization that doesn't succumb its excitement than text. Even, in some cases, rasionalis's flow make mind as buffer of aught text to get pure text and “ unclouded ”. That its cause, hadis rans down( dhaif ) and a sort it is not overdose at Iraq.
Its question is, where is effloresce fikih position at Indonesia of two flow outgrows upon? As it were is tolerated, Indonesian moslem majority follow Syafi's Priest sect ’ i.. It is meant, fikih that first recognised by this nation is fikih tekstualis. Why is fikih tekstualis? Since fikih tekstualis so recognised by a lot of ulama Indonesian. Beside also because sources non Syafi ’ i. rare being accessed at Indonesia.
Thus, condition of Indonesia, more or less equal to Iraq condition on Islamic early days. Both same text lack; Texts lacking iraq keislaman, Texts lacking Indonesia non Syafi ’ i.. Both even same posed according to condition their it; Iraq chooses rasional's band, in consequence constitute aught main potency. Meanwhile Indonesia chooses Syafi's sect ’ i., since really sect text this is that a lot of spread at country. Therefore, as honest as it, fikih that effloresce at country all this time, not fikih Indonesia sect. But fikih Hijaz, fikih Madinah, or fikih is Syafi's Priest ’ i..
For Islamic history early dayses at Indonesian, it mugkin can be understood. Since its condition doesn't enable to get one more. Its question then, how with present era? Whereabouts era it so openended, and gives access band to on what, who and wherever. Can all this aught potency formulates fikih Indonesia sect?
According to economical I, fikih is Indonesia sect have become urgent compulsion. Besides since reason sosio kultural, also because historical reason. As it were was worded above, fikih always corresponds to condition and character each region. Fikih is Indonesia sect can be formulated by mereformulasi islamic law basics. Reformulasi this momentous for “ tames ” kearaban fikih.
In its book gets title Nahwa Fiqhin Jadid (making for fikih new) unmitigated renovator in world fikih, Gamal Albanna works through complete reformulasi's problem this islamic law basic. Terminologicaling it, islamic law basics is minds, universal points al-quran, sunnah and custom / wont. It constitutes reformulasi of formulated islamic law basic expert fikih in advance, which is al-quran, Hadis, Ijma ’ and Allusion.
Islamic law basic as above as give portion that greatly divides local benefit (including Indonesia) with all culture and religion diversity in it. With mind, fikih is Indonesia can be led for always gets party to benefit kabangsaan and humanitarianism. Meanwhile universal point al-quran can make point basis with by all nation child. Although different religion. Since al-quran as appreciative as will never go against innocent book teaching other religion. All clean book takes in to assess goodness, benefit and having a purpose same too, which is kerahmatan global.
On this phase, fikih is Indonesia sect really need instruction from sunnah as it were chastened Mohammed. With sunnah we can understand, how Prophet make dogma to benefit nationality and humanitarianism. With sunnah, we can understand how meracik's Prophet God's manual until not in opposition to aught tradition. And with sunnah too, we can understand the importance for nurse and keep up wont or local tradition. Therefore, are not excessive if custom local or tradition be made basal islamic law in fikih Indonesia sect.
Of four basic sentence upon, we that merilis can some problem nation as study of main in fikih Indonesia sect. First , problem is nationality. About problem this really emergency and crowding out. If don't, Indonesia as nation only nonexistent name meaning. What is mean one nation, if between its citizen is still mutually suspect, mutually slander, even mutually menafikan. Well since reason culture, sect, or even flow. Fikih is Indonesia sect shall work through complete and solves problem this.
Both of , problem keumatan. All religion aims as to establish and look after people benefit. With makes problem keumatan as study of main, fikih is reality Indonesia sect it has made her as fikih that exposed for all religion which admitted by its existence at Indonesia. Fikih is Indonesia sect wants to render indonesian nation aspiration as one people. Until no more terminology, people problem this given, given tribe or even particular religion. One about problem at negri this, matter about problem all nation child. Since we one people, which is Indonesia people. Third , problem is diversity. Shall be admitted, diversity is still kerapkali becomes serious problem for its nation. Well culture diversity, language, flow, or even religion. We can't yet make diversity as spirit for mutually understands and each other fill. Eventually, diversity constitutes life certainty. Even, diversity have become main pillar for this straightening nation. Opposing diversity at this country, averse matter thyself. And, doing violence because diversity, matter racks and wounding thyself.
At here urgency fikih we, fikih is Indonesia sect. With fikih Indonesia sect, let to solve nation problem bank. Are no use din fikih “ others ”. Evenless until ignoring “ fikih we ”. Adequately fikih we to troubleshoot us
Both of , fikih becomes life guidance. In each about problem aught, Islamic people does ever utilize fikih's perspective. Third , fikih constitutes one of keislaman's knowledge inheritance most rich. Available such a degree hundred, or even thousands, fikih's book. As it were also available so much ulama fikih. Even, each city has fikih its own. Madinah, Bashrah, kufah, Baghdad, Andalusia, Egypt and another one well known as city fikih on its term.
fikih's flows upon can be simplified as two categories. Which is flow tekstualis and rasionalis's flow. tekstualis's flow gets to center at Madinah or Hijaz by features Malik's Priest, Syafi's priest ’ i. and Ahmad Bin Hanbal's Priest as figure of front guards. Meanwhile rasionalis's flow gets to center at Bashrah and other Iraq cities in a general way with feature Hanifah's Ash Priest as figure of main.
tekstualis's streaming major power is text. Well text in mean al-quran, Hadis, or talk even Prophet best friend. It can be understood, remembering Madinah's city, tekstualis's streaming center, constitute “ text palace ”. At this Prophet city, partly sentence al-quran is downed. And at this city too, talk, conduct, and kick up dashes against Prophet in common recorded with very clear. Most even more with many its best friends which gets residence at city most clean both of that Mekkah's afters. Best friends such as ribbon which record “ kick up dashes against ” al-quran and Hadis at this city with perfect enough.
There is flow even rasionalis makes mind as major power them. This flow gets center at Iraq and metropolises over there in a general way. Of intelectual facet, Iraq really don't defeat from Madinah and city is known any other that time. But of keislaman's text facet, Its nothing iraq than that Prophet city. Madinah “ gets to bath ” text, meanwhile Iraq “ dry ” of text. Madinah spangled with best friends, meanwhile Iraq just is visitted a portion Prophet best friend little. That even at latter term, which is at Utsman's power term (drd power in Islamic) while is beliau void caliph policy both of (Umar bin Khattab) one that forbidden Prophet best friend in order not to comes out from Madinah's city.
While keislaman's texts circumscribed, a variety kind about problem continually piles at Iraq. That problem one will don't understand Iraq condition that “ text crisis ”. From here then, ulama Iraq utilizes to try a fall mind / rationalization that doesn't succumb its excitement than text. Even, in some cases, rasionalis's flow make mind as buffer of aught text to get pure text and “ unclouded ”. That its cause, hadis rans down( dhaif ) and a sort it is not overdose at Iraq.
Its question is, where is effloresce fikih position at Indonesia of two flow outgrows upon? As it were is tolerated, Indonesian moslem majority follow Syafi's Priest sect ’ i.. It is meant, fikih that first recognised by this nation is fikih tekstualis. Why is fikih tekstualis? Since fikih tekstualis so recognised by a lot of ulama Indonesian. Beside also because sources non Syafi ’ i. rare being accessed at Indonesia.
Thus, condition of Indonesia, more or less equal to Iraq condition on Islamic early days. Both same text lack; Texts lacking iraq keislaman, Texts lacking Indonesia non Syafi ’ i.. Both even same posed according to condition their it; Iraq chooses rasional's band, in consequence constitute aught main potency. Meanwhile Indonesia chooses Syafi's sect ’ i., since really sect text this is that a lot of spread at country. Therefore, as honest as it, fikih that effloresce at country all this time, not fikih Indonesia sect. But fikih Hijaz, fikih Madinah, or fikih is Syafi's Priest ’ i..
For Islamic history early dayses at Indonesian, it mugkin can be understood. Since its condition doesn't enable to get one more. Its question then, how with present era? Whereabouts era it so openended, and gives access band to on what, who and wherever. Can all this aught potency formulates fikih Indonesia sect?
According to economical I, fikih is Indonesia sect have become urgent compulsion. Besides since reason sosio kultural, also because historical reason. As it were was worded above, fikih always corresponds to condition and character each region. Fikih is Indonesia sect can be formulated by mereformulasi islamic law basics. Reformulasi this momentous for “ tames ” kearaban fikih.
In its book gets title Nahwa Fiqhin Jadid (making for fikih new) unmitigated renovator in world fikih, Gamal Albanna works through complete reformulasi's problem this islamic law basic. Terminologicaling it, islamic law basics is minds, universal points al-quran, sunnah and custom / wont. It constitutes reformulasi of formulated islamic law basic expert fikih in advance, which is al-quran, Hadis, Ijma ’ and Allusion.
Islamic law basic as above as give portion that greatly divides local benefit (including Indonesia) with all culture and religion diversity in it. With mind, fikih is Indonesia can be led for always gets party to benefit kabangsaan and humanitarianism. Meanwhile universal point al-quran can make point basis with by all nation child. Although different religion. Since al-quran as appreciative as will never go against innocent book teaching other religion. All clean book takes in to assess goodness, benefit and having a purpose same too, which is kerahmatan global.
On this phase, fikih is Indonesia sect really need instruction from sunnah as it were chastened Mohammed. With sunnah we can understand, how Prophet make dogma to benefit nationality and humanitarianism. With sunnah, we can understand how meracik's Prophet God's manual until not in opposition to aught tradition. And with sunnah too, we can understand the importance for nurse and keep up wont or local tradition. Therefore, are not excessive if custom local or tradition be made basal islamic law in fikih Indonesia sect.
Of four basic sentence upon, we that merilis can some problem nation as study of main in fikih Indonesia sect. First , problem is nationality. About problem this really emergency and crowding out. If don't, Indonesia as nation only nonexistent name meaning. What is mean one nation, if between its citizen is still mutually suspect, mutually slander, even mutually menafikan. Well since reason culture, sect, or even flow. Fikih is Indonesia sect shall work through complete and solves problem this.
Both of , problem keumatan. All religion aims as to establish and look after people benefit. With makes problem keumatan as study of main, fikih is reality Indonesia sect it has made her as fikih that exposed for all religion which admitted by its existence at Indonesia. Fikih is Indonesia sect wants to render indonesian nation aspiration as one people. Until no more terminology, people problem this given, given tribe or even particular religion. One about problem at negri this, matter about problem all nation child. Since we one people, which is Indonesia people. Third , problem is diversity. Shall be admitted, diversity is still kerapkali becomes serious problem for its nation. Well culture diversity, language, flow, or even religion. We can't yet make diversity as spirit for mutually understands and each other fill. Eventually, diversity constitutes life certainty. Even, diversity have become main pillar for this straightening nation. Opposing diversity at this country, averse matter thyself. And, doing violence because diversity, matter racks and wounding thyself.
At here urgency fikih we, fikih is Indonesia sect. With fikih Indonesia sect, let to solve nation problem bank. Are no use din fikih “ others ”. Evenless until ignoring “ fikih we ”. Adequately fikih we to troubleshoot us
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