If diistilahkan's knowledge as consciousness about reality, therefore the most reality main while that man comes into the world is universe (micro cosmos and cosmos macro). At nature this is beginning man hears, see and feels object that be experienced as voice, form and feel. This nature constitutes one awal 's consciousness dot to know reality especially thyself. After human experience maturity and out and out its mind, therefore it begins to think tentang metarealitas, yakni a following supernatural force plays and be busy manage creation process of no comes into being, of there is as no. Or of off as life, then of living as dead (QS. 2: 28).
Physics nature present as reality becomes bridge to see something that gets metaphysics character namely Which Be At turn back physical and that creature. Boundless universe diversity by human constitute facts that can't refuse to pitch upon without argument which logical, one that departed of consciousness about reality which is gotten from hearing, sight and heart.
Human thus will realise by itself about kehariran universe as reality of God's physics and present SWT as reality of metaphysics. Physics nature as reality of openended, meanwhile metaphysics nature as reality is closed. Universe namely micro cosmos and cosmos macro is present as reality to brace The Infinite existence as owner absolute that never destroyed, meanwhile that universe is alone can destroyed as an alias proportionate one not everlasting.
Universe is knowledge source secondly which constitute SWT'S Allah creature because before marks sense universe, God earlier there is that don't get startup and unended. Meanwhile nature has startup and final term. Therefore knowledge from God what do get direct character get absolute character, meanwhile universe pass knowledge gets relative character.
"According to Al Qur ’ an, studying nature book that mengungkapkan will its secrets to men and menampakkan koherensi (integrity), consistency and order in it. This will enable man to utilize its knowledge as intermediate to dig up wealths and hidden source in and up to welfare significant over it scientific find (Ghulsyani, 1990:54).
Al Qur ’ an as book "closed" one that constitutes kondifikasi apocalypse that theoritically scholarly interpretations boundless one its until days Qiyamat. Meanwhile universe as book "open end" one that boundless too for at Qiyamat's experiment until day. Two wellspring sources (science, knowledge and technology), one that immortal and never is dry in the context mundane life. Al Qur ’ an as "enclosed book" and universe as "exposed book" mutually strengthen its position each. Its mean, Al Qur ’ an load informations about significant and universe structures, meanwhile hush hush universe we can look for its information pass Al Qur ’ an and that universe is alone, since Al Qur ’ an constitute Allah and nature apocalypse is God's creature. Thus, reality levels with another can be found in Al Qur ’ an at a swoop can also be found on universe because indigenous one source namely God SWT alias Creative Mighty Creator.
Besides universe and Al Qur ’ an, extant one source again namely Hadits which as Rasulullah SAW's road map, base making known or application of kepada Nabi's apocalypse road map SAW especially science and knowledge about procedure prays mahdhah one that we do as it long as; pray, tithe, fasting, and pilgrim, more our a lot of get model or direct example from Rasulullah SAW, one that essential ala can't be changed or traded by the other.
In book Sunnah Mashdaran Li Al Ma's usa ’ rifah wa Al Hadharah , worded that "Sunnah constitutes second source after Al Qur ’ an divides fikih and islamic law. Sunnah also constitute source for da ’ whew and guidance for a moslem, it also constitute scholarship source religious (keagamaan), humaniora (humanitarianism), and needed social mankind for unbent their road, righting their fault or even completes science experimental they" (Yusuf Al Qardhawy, 1997:101)
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