Prophet Muhammad saw to get revelation from Allah SWT first time on Monday 17 Ramadan to-41 years from birth, coinciding with the date August 6 610 M. Since that time, Muhammad bin Abdullah mengemban mandate from Allah SWT nubuwwah to bring Islam to the middle men, who apparently is a remodel of all the teachings of social system, legal system, especially in the community Jahiliyyah. Islam came to the middle of the community by bringing the Jahiliyyah Syari'ah (legal system) that is able to set the perfect relationship so that a fair and egaliter between human individuals in the community. In principle, the appearance of the Prophet Muhammad saw with the teachings egaliter, can be considered as a social change towards kejahiliyyahan is happening in the community, especially the legal system, with the revelation and guidance from Allah SWT.

Islamic Law (Islamic Law) is the holy commands of Allah SWT that regulates all aspects of the life of every Muslim, and includes materials, legal materials and the pure material spiritual religious. Through the history of empirical research, mentions Joseph Schacht Islamic Law as a summary of Islamic thought, manifestation of Islamic way of life which is very typical, and even as the core of Islam itself.

In the early Islamic period, the period of Islam in Makkah, Islam began with the law remains the law practices that have been there in the community. But then, as presented by Muhammad Hamidullah, in stages, based on revelation (al-Qur'an) and the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad saw, the legal system has become the habit in the community Jahiliyyah is fixed, dirombak and even replaced entirely with the Islamic legal system in different period of time about twenty-three years.

As a consequence of a transformation (change) social, berposisi Islamic law as the law of different legal and reorganize Jahiliyyah. In history, the Prophet Muhammad saw and the early embraces Islam really make attitudes towards contra Jahiliyyah legal system in the behavior and their behavior, so hard to get the reciprocal of the founder leaders of the legal system Jahiliyyah. And even then, the approach of Muhammad saw as the beginning of the Islamic groups that are 'marginalized' in the social stratification in order to bring the teachings of Islam in society, also the important points in these consequences.

This paper set out an understanding of Islamic law that are involved with human history-in this context with Jahiliyyah-law, is a cultural phenomenon and can be examined with the approach to science and culture metodologisnya devices. With the advantages and kekurangannya, the study of social change in Islamic law by the law Jahiliyyah appear as a background, which is the discussion in this paper, an effort is able to draw away from the attitude called Richard C. Martin as fideistic scientific objectivism and subjectivism. More importantly, the photographs keberpihakan the Islamic nation against mustadl'afin become sebuh penyadaran the critical importance of the social changes by Islamic law in the community.

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