MEDIA UTILIZATION Writing in supporting mastery ARABIC STUDENT CLASS Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Many of the media disclosed by the figures, but according to the terminology the word media comes daribahasa latin "medium" means a broker, while in the arab media comes from the word meaning wasaaila introductory message from the sender to the recipient of the message.

The penjabaran figures on the media, among others:
  1. According Berlach and Ely (1971) revealed that the media in the learning process tends to mean equipment graphic, electronic or photographical for capturing, processing and preparing the information back and regroup verbal or visual information.
  2. According Heinich, et al of 1985 Media is media that carry messages or information with the aim of learning or the purposes of learning.
  3. Martin Briggs Media and 1986 revealed that the media covers all the necessary resources to do with the communication-learning. This can be a hardware and software that is used on the hardware.
  4. According to Malik, 1994 H media are all things that can be used to deliver messages (lessons learned), so that it can stimulate the attention, interests, thoughts and feelings in the study of teaching and learning activities to achieve certain learning goals.
From the above, can be taken the opportunity discrete media are:
  1. Use set aside or allocated on the interests,
  2. Is a tool to explain what is dibuku subjects such as words or symbols and even numbers,
  3. Not the result of media arts,
  4. Utilization of the media is not on a particular but a keilmuwan used on all keilmuwan.
Various media used. In general, media language teaching can be divided into three types, namely the media view (visual aids), a media (audio aids) and a media perspective-(Audio-visual aids). Media viewpoints can be natural objects, people and events; imitation natural objects, people and events, and pictures of things natural, people and events (Effendi, 1984). 

Natural objects that are easily able to be appointed by the school or the media is a direct view that is quite effective to be used, for example, school equipment, sports equipment, and objects around the school. If the natural objects are not possible, it can be replaced with counterfeit versions that are now easily obtained, for example, fruits from the plastic, the car-mobilan, household utensil, and so forth. If imitation of nature that is not there, it can be replaced with images, both pictures and simple picture of current equipment. Media is a perspective other cards with all the forms, flanel board, magnet boards, pocket boards, and others.

ALA in the context of learning, imitation objects and images that the media is quite effective to use, especially for introducing mufradat and sentence patterns. Objects and images that can be placed in room corners or on walls as ditempel Exposure. If the child has been able to read, under each picture, or reproduction that can be included with an Arabic name.

Media that can be used with For language teaching, among others, radio, tape recorder, and a language laboratory (which is simple). Learning to ALA, the radio seems less suitable, because the radio transmitter siarannya generally speaking Arabic radio from the state of the Middle East program and its content is not suitable for children consumed Indonesia. Tape recorder for the media with enough options that are appropriate for language teaching, including the ALA, because with this tool can play the recorded cassettes as we want, such as songs for the Arabic-speaking children. However, the constraints of the tape recorder is the lack of recorded cassettes ready for use that are designed specifically for teaching ALA. This obstacle is a challenge as well as for experts and practitioners of teaching Arabic language.
The use of language as a laboratory tool bantu language teaching has been recognized efektifitasnya by language teaching experts. However, for school-¬ school in Indonesia in general, especially in the area districts, the equipment is often only a delusion which is difficult to achieve because of the relatively high price.

Media language teaching is the most complete of media viewpoints, because the media is going to help each other out of the process indra indra hear and view. Including the type of media is television, VCD, computer laboratory and the current language. By using the parabola television broadcast can be accessed from various Arabic countries, such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Iraq, and Pakistan. Press that and then can be recorded using a CD Writer so can be played repeatedly as tools.

VCD is also a medium of teaching the language to be used quite effectively. This tool is similar to the tape recorder is more complete. Just heard a tape recorder, while the VCD heard and seen. While this has many programs teaching Arabic language which is packed in the form of a CD, but not enough to operate it with the VCD, but with a computer equipped with multimedia. In the context of ALA, has been teaching ALA program that is packed in the form of a CD, for example: Alif-Ba-Ta, Al-Qamus al-li mushowwar As-Shigar, Bustan Ar-Raudloh, Juha 1-2, Jism al-Insan, Hadiqah al-Arqam, Al-Masrahiyah Huruf al-Arabiyah, Ta'lim al-Lughah al-Arabiyah, 'Alam al-li Tajarub as-Sigar, peninsula al-Barka: n, and al-Mausuah Musabaqah wa al-Algha: z and many more (Kholisin, 2002).
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